[center][h1][color=yellow]Aiko Mizushima[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [color=yellow]"Er,"[/color] Aiko suddenly looked at the person addressing him. [color=yellow]"What stunt?"[/color] he practically spat toward the person attempting to talk about something with him. To him, it was fairly rude to interrupt even a conversation, and at that he was trying to help a lady try on something. Though she actually just wanted the dress for someone else He was still helping her with it, so to have someone else butt in was indeed against his code of business. He'd look back to the woman giving her a forced smile as he called one of his workers to grab the dress from him. [color=yellow]"Excuse me for a moment."[/color] Aiko would say as he held one finger up, and then turned to show the person that he had his full and undivided attention. [color=yellow]"Now, what's the problem?"[/color] Aiko would say in a much nicer tone as he pushed his glasses back into place, and placed one hand on his hip. [i]I really should get some better glasses. [/i] [@ZeroEnder010][@sakurasan]