[@BlackPanther] Leon listened to Alec with a gentle grin on his face. He chuckled softly. [color=ed1c24]"Ah I see... No wonder your face turned so red. Apologies. I thought ya had a crush on her and I got curious..."[/color] He paused for a moment. [color=ed1c24]"She is different, isn't she?"[/color] Leon snorted bit then grinned, laughter filled his eyes. He glanced at Alec, who had reverted to his human form, and realized that he had put Alec in an uncomfortable situation. Alec's next question made Leon tense up and flinch a little. He fell silent for what felt like an eternity, contemplating on how he should answer Alec's question. [color=ed1c24]"I... I am not certain. However long it takes fer her ta heal... It could take months... Years? Decades? Bloody hell! It could take a century. The seal lasts fer as long it takes fer the host ta meet the requirements ta break it, and in her case the requirements are that she has healed completely and that she [i]wants[/i] ta wake up. So... I don't know... But... I certainly hope it's soon." [/color] Each word stung terribly at his heart but he did not show it on his face.