[quote=@FantasyChic] [@Vilageidiotx] There is a difference between being a dick and expressing a different opinion though. I'm sure you're aware, but I feel the need to make that distinction. Agreed on everything else though. I hate having to watch my words less I hurt someone's feelings. And no, I think we should be nicer as a culture. I'm not saying go around being mean and screw everyone else, but I'm mainly referring to the instances of someone being butthurt because someone said something they didn't particularly like, like the waitress who got fired because she labeled her table as a "black couple" when they didn't have table numbers. [/quote] Yeh that one is an extreme I agree, but when not dealing with the extremes it is always wise to be aware that wherever you draw the line isn't the same as where others draw the line. It is better to accept that what you say can have consequences with other people than it is to tell everybody that where you draw the line is the only place the line should ever be drawn. Because at the end of the day, you can't change other people's opinions, and shooting yourself in the foot all the time isn't going to do you any good in the long run.