[h2]Masayuki Michi[/h2] Michi reeled back, wincing at the abrupt pain. Did... did she just get hit? "What was that for!?" She shouted in protest, ready to give this uppity brat a peace of her mind. However, before she got the chance, Rika continued talking to her in an annoyed tone. Okay, so maybe assuming her partner was a kid from her size alone was a bit presumptious. But this girl's attitude was grating on her nerves. This definitely was going to be a [i]long[/i] school year. How did they expect her and this uptight shorty to ever be compatible as partners? "Kh..." Michi grounded her teeth together, biting back any rude words that wanted to come out, "Fine, whatever you say." The taller girl shoved her hands into her pockets and let Rika lead the way to their dorm. She'd comply with these ridiculous commands for now, if only to keep from causing a big scene. She really hoped Naoki was having better luck with his partner. [hr] [h2]Masayuki Naoki[/h2] Once again Naoki was struck by how interesting his partner turned out to be. It wasn't often you saw someone cry actual tears of happiness. He could tell. They were going to be great friends! "Alright!" He pumped a fist into the air, "Lets start operation be the best partners ever to eachother! First off, find our dorm!" To say the least, Naoki was just as stange as his partner and shared just as much of her enthusiasm. Cheerfully, he began to lead the two of them out the room. Of course, he didn't exactly remember where the dorms were. But oh well, they'd stumble upon them eventually! Especially if they didn't give up!