"I-I...Uhhhh, Th-thank you..." Miko replied with her eyes wide and her face bright red due to Yunosuke's comment. Daigo smiled, giggling at the sight of Miko becoming all embarrassed and shy. "Daigo was my mentor, Chosokabe thought that I could use some help in gaining some confidence. Daigo willingly offered to help, and since I've risen in rank" she laughed nervously before she looked down and started to twiddle her fingers. "Daigo got into a "Scuffle" with his former partner and then chose me himself as his new one. I mostly support him and heal him during or after a Berserker fight...He can sometimes get a little too reckless." "Gonna be hard to touch, you say?" Daigo cracked his knuckles as his expression quickly turned to sadistic and evil in a heartbeat. "I'm the Beast Monk and dontcha ever forget it!" sighed. "He also gets fired up too quickly as well" Miko turned to him. "D-don't force my hand, with you know what, okay?" As Miko said those exact words, Daigo calmed down, taking on a more calm composure than before. "kay, okay? don't be cruel like that" he muttered. Hattori had managed to gain his composure again, looking at his partner. [i][b]"Yo, what exactly is it that you do, besides using your yokai-powers to ferry yourself to and from the Spirit World?"[/b][/i] Hattori grinned as he straightened up. both Daigo and Miko knew exactly what this meant, rolling their eyes at how Hattori started to grin happily. "As the youngest son of the Ryo Family, and the youngest between a family unison, I have two rather cool nifty tricks up my sleeves" He replied with enthusiasm. Firstly, he snapped his fingers creating a small dark red flame from his thumb. "The Orochii Flame; a powerful curse power that burns anything to a cinder." he said as the flames quickly dissipated away. He then lifted his left hand, glowing a bright light and transformed to rather large blade. "The Muramasa Blood Gift; a power that allows the Ryo Bloodline to transform parts of their body into chained blades" He enjoyed showing his array of powers. He smiled proudly. [i]"It's about the only damn good thing to come from being part of my family, honestly"[/i] He thought to himself. Both Daigo and Miko were shocked to hear exactly what their mission was. Daigo had heard of the Berserker residing within the Warehouse row, he was surprised that they were given such a tough assignment straight away. [i]"these two are definitely going to get their work cut out for them, that creature is no joke."[/i] Daigo pondered. Miko was visibly worried, after hearing some of the gossip and stories coming from the Rank A Recreational Room? She wondered if it was the same creature. The two seemingly contrasting partners looked at each other worryingly. "I wouldn't go writing off this assignment just yet, You know how Chosokabe loves to give little to no details about a particular assignment. Keep your head on and don't throw it away." He retorted, as Miko nodded silently. Miko felt like she could crawl into a ball, into a corner far away from the hunters from how embarrassed she felt when Yunosuke put his arm over her shoulder, he face once again went as bright red as a tomato. As both Hattori and Daigo exchanged a few words, mostly about sparring schedules and the next time they both had some time to kill. "Errrm, I need to speak with Yuno privately okay? okay!" she stated authoritatively. She quickly held his arm and dragged him a few feet away from Hattori and Daigo. "I hope Hattori isn't as much of a pain as you probably initially thought, Yuno." she stated in a whisper. "I know how you must've thought about him; since he's pretty the textbook Yokai that annoys you." Miko shifted smiling at Yunosuke. "He won't like it if I told this...but... He originally was given the offer to go straight to A-Rank, his family having a serious big political influence in the Academy. He chose to enroll and start from the bottom like everyone else." she explained Hattori's situation to him as best as she could. "I'm not expecting you to cut him some slack. I just want you to know that he isn't like most Yokai...and he's one of the few that don't treat me like a traitor as well." She smiled at Yunosuke hoping he would understand. "Please though, try to cut his ego down." she laughed.