More or Less Yoshi was okay with the turnout. Even if Rei was the only one he really trusted. It showed too when he watched the small group form and stayed away. [color=orange]"More like I'm glad to have you with me. Would have sucked if I was in the mafia and my best bud was nowhere to be found."[/color] He laughed a bit before glancing towards the group. Crap, he needed a shopping bag... But... Ayumu... He wanted to stay away from him... And his questions. [color=orange][i]Why does he ask so many? What does he get out of it?[/i][/color] He always wondered. Especially when Ayumu tried to sneak in little tidbits that he assumed the upperclassman just wanted to hold over the apparent mafia boss. Out of everyone else, he could have done without that pretty bastard. [color=orange]"Still, I'm pretty interested. Camping huh? There's gotta be more to it than that."[/color] It was something of video game mentality. Somehow he felt there had to be more to it than simple bonding. [color=orange]"Gonna need to buy a sleeping bag. Old one's messed up to hell."[/color] He smirked and glanced at Rei. [color=orange]"Wanna race? Not sure how everyone else plans to do this, but the quicker we get through this shopping thing the better."[/color] Was what he said, though there was more to it than that. It was sort of a way to excuse separating himself from the group. A little competition. Out of everyone surely only Hisai would join right? Even then that wasn't a guarantee. He seemed more interested in games than anything else. But who knew how far that rivalry would spread. Yoshiaki shook his head when he realized the somewhat competitive glare he was giving one upperclassman after enough. [color=orange]"Welp! I'm not waiting for you Rei! I'm gonna beat you there for sure!"[/color] He said before running off. [color=orange]"Usual bet! Loser's treating the winner to food and games!"[/color] He added loudly to his friend. Best to get things out of the way quickly. They had one night left. Tomorrow at 8AM The group was diving into the mafia world. Sure camping seemed like a silly start, but he was ready for this little challenge. [hr] [color=red]"You should relax Shiso. It will come to you. As of now, you are doing quite well in your work. You can only stand to get in your own way with such worries."[/color] Fon said simply as he watch things play out further, even offering a chuckle at the boss's actions. [color=red]"He certainly is different. I'm curious as to how this'll pay out."[/color] He then spoke before turning to Shiso once more. [color=red]"Shall we be off? There are still some preparations needed for this little trip."[/color] He spoke simply before leaping from the roof, heading off, assuming Shiso would folow.