Hello All I am going to keep this short and sweet because I know that is what you people like. I like my lengthy paragraphs to be short and sweet too. What? That doesn't make sense you say? I'm getting off track you say? Well how dare you distract me! Anyways, I have a question for you. Do you have a fetish? Like, a certain desire for something that you are actively seeking in some kind of 1x1 RP with someone here on the site? Well I will tell you that your search is over! My PMs are open for anyone who wants to slide right on in there! Don't be shy! Nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say! I am literally open to anything! I can play Male or Female. Or other thing. Centaur or whatever. Doesn't matter! Go ahead! Send me your ideas for 1x1 ideas with your specific desire! I swear, I will not judge. I am simply here to have some fun with engaging mature RPs. Rules: Please be 18+ and understand what you are getting in to Please follow all the guild rules. I can write up to any number of paragraphs (5-6 sentences or more) I consider myself an "Advanced" writer as by the site's standards. I do not expect the same in return. Just know that even though I am only asking for mature and fun RPs, I will give good coherent detail and development. If that can happen. I will most likely not check this thread. So if I have sparked your fire, please PM me! Just a few examples of things I've done: Stories similar to Monster Mu. Which are always fun to do. Anything fantasy related (sucker for that kind of stuff) Slice of life is always good! Military themed RPs. Love playing the ultra tough female commander who actually has a super soft inside. And many more! PM me with your ideas! :D