[@Vampy] The inside of the room where the health exam was to be held was more or less the same as the other two: Fairly ordinary with maybe one or two odd details. More if one paid closer attention, but nothing that should have been any cause for alarm. If anything, it was very well-equipped. On a stool near the center of the room, someone of an average build with hair that cycled through various lengths and colors on its own sat and directed a bunch of papers to fly off and float over to a shelf a short distance away. [color=FF1493] "Ah, finally someone shows up. What are they doing out there? I'm pretty sure someone else was supposed to be here a while ago."[/color] The voice that came out was a little bored, maybe a little impatient; as if they had been there waiting for a good while. With a flick of the hand. a clipboard flying toward them until they caught it midair and glanced at it. [color=FF1493]"Let's see...you could be a Noel...what can I say about looks, though, ah? So, which one are you, then?" [/color] [hr] [@Guess Who] [color=BBFFFF]"Very well." [/color] The short girl nodded curtly to the figure as she approached the sphere sitting before her. As she finally drew close enough to touch it, she shifted the closed parasol to one hand and held the other just on top of the crystal. It wasn't long before the images came to her; A lot of bright colors...oh, this was... ...a lot of stuffed animals. Some kind of army of them, of all different shapes and sizes marching together. Dolls of all kinds and models everywhere... [color=BBFFFF]"...By the queen's command..." [/color]