[h3]Hisaki Kawaguchi[/h3] Hisaki was about ready to just get going to the shops, though during that time he was approached by one of the others gathered here, what was his name again... Sanki? Sonto... Oh right, Sanji, it took him a moment. He mentally noted "One Piece" as he looked to the boy as he addressed him. More about himself? Maybe this question would have gone down better, but to Hisaki it was meaningless and idle, but he was never one to simply shut it down aggressively unless he was in that kind of atmosphere, instead... [color=steelblue]"I'm a one thousand year old ghost who has returned from imprisonment in hell and I roam this earth in search of my captor's descendants... And you might be one of them"[/color], he announced to Sanji convincingly. How he would respond, he would enjoy it, but shortly before more dialogue could be made to possibly clear that up, Yoshiaki decided on a race. [color=steelblue]"A race? What are you an elementary student?"[/color], though as soon as he mentioned whoever was last was going to treat everyone to food... He looked at the amount of people here... Then quickly counted up the little bits of money in his wallet... And then he was out of there and after Yoshiaki in an instant. There's no way he was going to pay up though, even if he lost.