[center][h1]Sora[/h1][/center] Sora grumbled at the women's remark about showing respect to his elders which he thought was complete bull if they can't do the same for others. When Cammie offered money for his services he gladly took the it and listen to what said. He look back at the long line and felt guilty if he just left her. He pondered for a few looking down at the floor before coming up with a idea. [color=0072bc]"Hey, why don't you give me a little extra money and I can buy some lunch for the both of us...unless of course you packet your lunch or something..."[/color] He said before realizing the drawbacks to his idea. He honest didn't like to leave Cammie. to the mercy of her customers but his stomach disagreed very much putting his hand over it as a sharp pain came across for a few seconds and he waited for a answer anxiously. [@DestinyStar] [center][h1]Natsuko[/h1][/center] After Natsuko let the victory sink in she instantly looked for another player or players to challenge which most tried avoiding for obvious reasons. Disappoint with the lack of willing challengers she walked back to behind the counter and began to semi-work. She was building a bull unhinged and unglued deck while customers walked up requesting cards, decks, and other purchases. She couldn't help but maliciously smiling creating this deck, and honestly for once didn't care if she lost, not that she would willing do so. This was very unlocking knowing her and as soon as someone decided to dual her she would probably get all fussy like normally. A group of five requested the use of the five computers at the other side of the room, which was rare. Obviously she said yes and walked over typing in the password for each computer. Out of curiosity she asked what they were going to do and after hearing they were going to practice five v five I. DotA 2 she practical begged them for five minutes to let her play with them. They said no and continued so until the message got across that they will never let her join in, at least at the moment. After finishing the deck she thought about bringing out her laptop and messing around with that but keep going back and forth thinking it would be rude and should be doing better things than that. Deciding that she best not she waited patiently for her next customer.