[color=blue][h2]The Chase[/h2][/color] The door, the Wraith's back, several patrons and the door frame all took several four inch long needles. The motion had been blindingly fast from Sir Craven, as the shock and panic started to set in he vaulted the table in front of him and barreled through the smoke and out the back door. [i]You won’t escape so easily; who do you take me for?[/i] With another bound Thomas launched himself over the other patrons. The door splintered when his shoulder hit it at top speed and he continued his momentum up part of a wall. The brief wall run let him bypass the squatters in the back alley; though he doubted if they noticed. The stench of corpse was still strong and he could hear the fucker; the training was finally paying off. All the years in the middle east, the orient. Years and years with secret sects learning rampantly, studying, consuming all the knowledge they had to offer. Finally a test. Tucking the cain under his left arm close to his body Thomas ran like a shadow on the moon. The wind whipping through his hair as he ran Thomas smiled. There was no reason to be chasing her but his curiosity had been piqued by the girl. Was was this creature after her? What did he mean priceless? Blood pounding in his ears the call of a knight in shining armor resounded in his head again. This was an odd feeling to have again. With a flick Thomas unclasped his cloak and let it drop behind him into the night. Time to hunt. [@Viciousmarrow]