[h3]Vikas Helsing[/h3] Vikas watches the woman (lyla) as the two men argue he gives a heavy eye roll and softly makes his way toward the stage. His plan was to tell her to run. That he would meet up with her and help her, but she just had to run. He pickpockets one of te patrons that aren't paying attention this one paying off far more then the woman from earlier. His plan seemed quite solid. That is...until the chaos started. The woman faints into a monster (whom he can tell is a vampire) and starts his large chaotic mess. He can't help but groan, now he has to rush about to his hide away to get his stuff and try to save her. Great. When the smoke fills the room he runs...making it seem as if he vanished. As he goes a knife in his ring shoots out as he stabs a alley squatter in the neck, gulping blood quickly he drains the man and drops the body, probably easy for anyone else to find but with the three other scents coming through who knows what they would think. He then proceeds in leaping onto a roof top. He can smell all three scents and follows the cinnamon one. As he runs on rooftops with ease he stops at one rather abo denied looking house swinging into it through a window. He grabs a hooded cloak, his armor, crossbow, braces with knives, a belt with crossbow bolts for that self reloading crossbow, and some self made bombs. He had made all of this himself finding that others cannot make anything close. With a nod he pulls up his hood and swings back through the window, his coat left in a box and covered with strongly scented materials. His cloak covering his face as he runs back along rooftops, still quite fast all things considering. He is unsure of which would be more dangerous, the monster he was following or the noble that had bid on the woman. Either way he would find out. He also can't help but wonder if those he left in there..but he was busy with this. His daggers still tucked hidden away, causing him to be armed to the t. [@Themerlinhawk][@Viciousmarrow]