Although it's not finished yet, I thought I'd go ahead and show what I have. A lot is bound to change! But, hopefully it's acceptable so far... p.s. Yay! OOC! [hider= Ferrah Collins][center] [h1][color=f6989d]Ferrah Collins[/color][/h1] [img][/img] [i][color=f6989d]Sex:[/color][/i] Female [color=f6989d][i]Age:[/i][/color] 17 and a half [color=f6989d][i]Experiment Tier:[/i][/color] Test Subject (upon approval) [/center] [color=f6989d]Enhanced Trait 1:[/color] The first experiment the scientists incorporated in Ferrah’s ‘design’ was to enhance her maximum aerobic capacity (VO2 max) or endurance. To do this, they would need to increase the amount of hemoglobin, an oxygen-carrying protein, in her bloodstream. It would also be necessary to raise her lactate threshold, which is the byproduct of broken down glucose. This would ensure that no acidity would build up in her muscles, allowing her to have virtually no physical limit. So, she was injected with the gene mutation know as 577R, which creates 65% more red blood cells. These extra blood cells create more oxygen for Ferrah, her meaty muscles, and her brain. So, in theory, she should be able to do continuous athletic activity for much, much longer than the average human before becoming exhausted. [color=f6989d]Enhanced Trait 1 Downside: [/color] The result of having so much extra oxygen is deadly blood clots. Not only is Ferrah at high risk for a stroke or heart attack, she has to carefully regulate this by taking small doses of anticoagulants (blood thinning medicine). However, taking this type of medicine has its own special set of problems; excessive bleeding and bruising being one of them. Also, over exertion on Ferrah’s part can lead to very inconvenient nose bleeds. [color=f6989d]Enhanced Trait 2: [/color] The average human reaction time when responding to simple stimulus is around 240 milliseconds. However, Ferrah was modified to half this time (roughly 105 milliseconds). This advantage allows Ferrah to react and move faster than her adversaries. [color=f6989d] Enhanced Trait 2 Downside:[/color] Ferrah is a well oiled machine that relies on endurance and speed, not strength. Physically she is very weak, only being able to lift as much as your average girl next door. In fact, many of the younger GMG’s are stronger than she . (AKA, she’s lost more than a few arm wrestling matches). [color=f6989d]Faction: [/color] (currently undecided) [color=f6989d]Appearance: [/color] Clear, bright green eyes sparkle from under thick, auburn eyelashes like large peridot gems. Her deep russet locks fall just above her navel; often tangled and matted due to the dangerous situations she is forced into. When the grime is washed away, however, intertwining glossy curls and waves are revealed. Her skin is tan, like a warm cinnamon, and freckled with small scars, injection marks, and the occasional blemish. Her face is slim, and appears more mature than she actually is. Her sharp jaw and high cheek bones, leaves little room for baby fat. Upon first glance, one might see a woman in her 20’s rather than a teenage girl. Farrah has a petite frame, standing at 5’2 and weighing 110lbs. [color=f6989d] Clothing: [/color] Ferrah finds black to be the most comfortable color to wear, so as such, much of her closet consists of that dark color. [color=f6989d]Personality: [/color] (quick-thinker, self-confident, decisive, hard-working, determined, open-minded, reliable, loyal, honest (blunt) quick to judge, overly idealistic, stubborn, too analytic, clueless in romance, selfish, impatient, insensitive ) [color=f6989d]Weapons:[/color] [color=f6989d]Equipment: [/color] [color=f6989d] Bio: [/color] [/hider]