[@Veridis Quo]: How have you been you? [@yoshua171], [@Rhaevnn Xeno], [@Mercinus3]: Who would be going next on the Zerul-side? I'd figure it's Ixion->I'on->Morgan? But okay; my comments and thoughts on Yoshua's new character idea. (Skype might be easier for discussion, but I'd reckon that while I'm trying to answer questions and comment on things that were already posted here before Jack gets the time to look them over, it might be better if I do it also on here, so Jack would be able to see what I said and we'd not be doubling one another... For later discussions, sure.) My word does not count as much as Jack's does, obviously, but they're at least there as some manner of gauge. [quote]My plan for her so far is that she will be a true deigan and perhaps a member of the Deo'iel, perhaps of the fifth or sixth circle I'm thinking. [/quote] As far as race goes, true deigan sounds good to me. If you are to make her a deo'iel, though... I'd say you have at least two things to consider: 1.) Why would she joining up with some random team of adventurers, rather than working with the deo'iel?The deo'iel are a structured organization of monster-hunters, rather than simply a profession or more general-purpose do-gooders. I wouldn't even exclude the possibility of some manner of repercussions for arbitrarily "defecting", [i]especially[/i] if she joined the deo'iel in order to escape prosecution as a necromancer. She'd almost definitely have to get permission from the higher-ups of her order etc, etc. (Deo'iel also more commonly work in teams, rather than alone, from what I know.) 2.) Sixth circle especially is ... high up. The deo'iel only have seven circles, with the seventh circle being the leaders. The sixth circle is composed of select few very extraordinary and generally widely recognized individuals. I daren't say Jack would not allow it, but making such a high-ranking character of a four-digit-strong structured organization is certainly to be carefully considered. [quote]I will of course likely have a similar problem as I did with I'on early on in that she may not have any player characters to interact with. We'll see, not sure where I'll start her off on her...current quest.[/quote] ...It might be better not to branch the story further at the time being. *cough* I'd say either party in Zerul or Jillian's lot (although that one is already entirely composed of mages of somewhat questionable practices), since the roadside group probably doesn't need any more delays. [quote]Pretty sure she has an intense interest in two things, those being: 1.) The Demiurge. 2.) The Land of Eternal Night. 3.) The Lands outside the limiters of Relevance of Reniam (this is a third thing because I figured I'd run it by Jack first. Wouldn't want to overstep my bounds).[/quote] That ... is three things? Was the last one meant to be its own thing? I personally don't see anything wrong with her [i]taking interest[/i] in any of those things. It's not like any of those things was wholly unknown - there are quite a few canonical mentions of the lands to the west at least, including that of Junica (?), which is a nation of mages of sorts west of the Yawning Gorge. [quote]I have the intention of her likely having made a deal with The Weighter (I'll probably need some help with that @Shienvien, since Korakaan is your creation ^_^). Something related to intelligence and magic most likely since she's almost entirely a full on mage. I'll need to figure out exactly what sort of deal she'd make and, additionally, what she will be giving up for that gift. The second part I will probably need some assistance with. We'll see.[/quote] Sure, I'll be happy to help you. Will talk to you on Skype sometime tomorrow, most likely. (I'm fairly busy today and leaving house in about quarter of an hour.) [quote]So necromancy is outlawed in Rodoria and Wegam Fermos, but the Deo'iel take in criminals and individuals of all sorts, yeah? So if a member of the Deo'iel practiced necromancy, in this case not meaning the resurrection of the dead for the purposes of creating an undead horde, but for the original purpose, what would happen? If anything. Would it be allowed? Would their fellow Deo'iel shun them or find themselves disgusted almost by default? Would the individual be implored to keep their use of necromancy a secret to the public, or perhaps they'd be removed from the order and turned over to the authorities. Just something I oughta know since she'll probably go the route of black magic, arcane magic, necromancy and likely some enchanting to round her out magically.[/quote] I ... actually daren't give a specific answer here, so let's just wait for Jack. [quote]So to clarify my understanding of Runes I need to know if basically they work either by storing magical energy within them (when written on an object or surface) and/or channeling magical energy through them to cause an effect. This would mean you can either charge a rune with magical energy and set the rune/spell off later, or that you can only cause the effect of a given rune by channeling energy through it. If both are applicable that's great.[/quote] Both are applicable. You can restore magic in arcane/black glyphs and make them triggerable (example(s): Trap glyphs, all those markings Gerald had on the walls of his manor that he released to blow up his old home to remove traces of his activities), as well as put them onto something magically conductive and channel magical energy through them to change its properties (example: runeswords). [quote]Additionally, I'd like to know if someone could write what amounted to an entire spell in runes on an object or surface, then channel energy or charge it with energy to institute that spell effect whenever they chose to set it off (or chose to fuel it with the necessary energy).[/quote] I am not sure whether you can charge glyphs without touching them, but yes, you can make entire complex spells out of them and have them trigger to something they've been made to trigger to. Necromancy.... [quote]It allows heightened senses in regards to energies and also much more fine-tuned manipulation of said energies. [/quote] Yes. [quote]I know from the description of necromancy that it can be used to empower a dead body and force it to act as an undead minion/soldier[/quote] Use your own magical energy to animate a dead body. Yes. [quote]it can be utilized to possibly overpower ghosts and other such beings composed entirely of such energies,[/quote] Yes. [quote]as well as to bring someone briefly back from the dead (revitalizing the magical energy of a dead body)[/quote] Not quite... Dead people are dead because the magical energy / soul has left, so there is nothing left to revitalize. (Or they'd still be revivable by any sufficiently powerful healing magic.) You will have to essentially summon the soul from whatever plane it has ended up on - which is to say, you can have ghosts at your command, to question or to order around depending on what your intentions are. You *can* bind the soul to its former dead body, which would make it an artificially created true undead. (It'll be animated and have its own mind, but still continue rotting and whatnot.) Generally, you might want to use animated corpses as soldiers over true undead, since the latter can try to wrestle control from you and so on and so forth. You can also bind souls to objects. Including your own. That's how you turn yourself into a lich... [quote]Can it do anything else?[/quote] Ehh... Potentially anything requiring fine manipulation of magical energy? I can't think of much right here and now. Gerald has been controlling his instance of the withering quite well.