It never fails: whenever I have a day during which I don't really go near my computer, stuff happens. It's good to see you here again, Ashgan! Now I just need to figure out where in my log of posts I left off with what scene so that I can remind myself what occurred previous to current events... And yoshua is making a new character? Well, let's see about it, then, though it seems that Shien has already addressed most of the details about the character and such. Just to clarify in case there was any confusion about it, the label "limiters of relevance" isn't one that is used IC, but is a purely OOC label to refer to the conditions that limit the area of simple and/or frequent interaction between the countries on different sides of which, or the denizens thereof. About her membership in the deo'iel, I'd reiterate Shien's comment that sixth circle is maybe a bit advanced. Sixth circle deo'iel are the kind that deal with "legendary difficulty encounters", to put it in gaming-terms, and they're generally in possession of nothing short of superhuman abilities in one field or another. I'm not saying that Ilitas can't be in the sixth circle, mind you, (though it is also worth noting that sixth circle deo'iel are free to command anyone below their own rank, unless their orders are negated by orders from someone from the seventh circle) but it'd be a fairly big job to take onto oneself. And as Shien also pointed out, a downright defection from the deo'iel - abandoning one's team if one has one, or otherwise ignoring orders from one's superiors - will have consequences, especially at such high ranks as fifth or sixth circle. If one just defects one will most likely just be captured and brought back to a nearby base to explain themselves, but if one starts exhibiting monster-like behavior (they do have a definition for what is considered monstrous, by the way)... well, deo'iel exist to kill monsters. And they'll always send someone of [i]at least[/I] the same rank as the deserter to bring them back. If the deserter is of the sixth circle, it's fairly likely that one would receive a visit from Lord Nightmare. So basically, she will either have to abide to deo'iel regulations and orders, or she will have to deal with persecution that will grow more and more intense the longer she stays out of touch, and will become particularly bad if she tries to defend herself. True deigan necromancer... Heh, looking at the Compendium I realize there is no mention of this in there, and to be honest I'm not even sure whether I've mentioned it at all, but the true deigan have a "special" relationship to the forbidden arts of magic (necromancy, black magic and summoning magic). It's still technically illegal, as per the law of the lands they inhabit, but they have a system that can allow true deigan to research and practice the forbidden arts if their desire to do so is strong enough. Each true deigan city has it's own faction of [I]Karh'wai[/I]; "no-name" or "Nameless". As their collective moniker hints, members of this group are not allowed to have names... but they are not allowed to have identities, or even faces, either. Upon joining the Nameless, a true deigan is registered as and reported to be dead, ensuring that no one but the leader of the Nameless and the head of the given city knows the truth. The Nameless is then taken to their local residence, where the feathers down its back and neck are removed - ensuring that they never grow back -, leaving only the ones on the scalp, and from then on one is only ever allowed to show oneself wearing the black-and-red robes of the Nameless, with hands and arms wrapped in bandages and heads wrapped in cloth so that no one will recognize them. In return for the sacrifice of one's identity, the Nameless are allowed to practice the forbidden arts. The leader of the Nameless is the [I]Sel'wai[/I] ("new-name" or "Renamed"), which - despite what the moniker suggests - still has no name, but is renamed only in that it is known as the Renamed. The Renamed is always a member of the Court of the given city (meaning that they serve as part of the group that makes decisions for the city, headed by the patriarch or matriarch) and wears a white ceramic mask with a thin black "smile" and two black hollows where the eyes would be. Use that information however you like, but it just seemed rather relevant. The forbidden arts are actually permitted to be used by the deo'iel, as the only ones besides the aforementioned Nameless. The reason that they're allowed to do so is exactly the fact that they're supervised by the deo'iel, though, and that anyone falling to using the forbidden arts for darker purposes (which is to say, "monstrous" purposes) would be quickly noticed and summarily terminated before they could become a scourge upon the land. You can charge runes without touching them, though it's harder than - and not as cost-effective as - doing so while touching them. Necromancy would make one particularly capable of doing so, though, at minimal additional loss of magical energy, though the difference in difficulty would still be the same. (Necromancy is not an ability that is learned and from then on makes everything easier, after all; it is a skill that means that one has the senses and the mental capacity to do such things.) And as to other uses of necromancy, I think I'll stick to Shien's suggestion until something more specific comes up: practically anything requiring the manipulation of magical energy is potentially made "sharper", more accurate and more cost-effective by necromancy. (The deo'iel's definition of what a monster is, by the way, is "something or someone that indiscriminately causes injury or death to sentient races, and/or which poses an unmotivated palpable mortal danger to a large number of sentient beings". This is why Morgan and the Sisters of Torment, while a vampire and demonspawn, respectively, would not be categorized as monsters (at the moment), and why most bandits and such are of no interest to them. Interestingly, this also means that Vilhej the Righteous violated her own rules when she lead her siege against the Land of Eternal Night since the Black Tribunal, according to the deo'iel, are not monsters.)