[hider=Aleph] [u]Name: [/u] Aleph Dalet [u]Age: [/u] 44 [u]Class: [/u] Ex-Penal Legion Guardsman? [u]Psyker Powers:[/u] N/A [u]Equipment:[/u] [b]Hestia Pattern Skitarii Lasgun[/b] - The lasrifle of a fallen Skitarii soldier who had become somewhat close "friends" (relatively speaking) with a Aleph during the siege of the Forge World of Hestia. Aleph keeps this gun and the Skitarii's red cloak as mementoes from his first battle and states that it keeps him lucky. Some may argue that it's just BS, but given how far he's come, you can't help but say that there's something watching over him, Emperor or luck or otherwise. [b]Evil Sunz Ork Choppa[/b] - After [s]breaking[/s] leaving his combat knife on a battlefield, Aleph uses a choppa that has been slightly modified for human use, the emblem of the Evil Sunz still visible as is the blood of the people and soldiers Aleph has killed with it. [b]Urulli Pattern Bolt Pistol[/b] - A weapon obtained through "questionable" means. Aleph will insist that he found it on an unfortunate commissar who was killed in the line of duty and decided to use it himself. Rumors within the 225th state that Aleph actually hunted down and killed said commissar for the bolt pistol. The Urulli Pattern version as more manageable recoil than normal but is only used by Aleph in the act of breaking locks and such due to his limited ammo supply for it. [b]Frag & Krak Grenades[/b] - (Two of each, self explanatory) [u]Notable Deeds:[/u] [b]Penal Legion Veteran[/b] - He survived his sentence in a Penal Legion, need I say more? Aleph lived out his sentence of being in the 225th Penal Battalion facing more suicide mission and impossible odds than almost anyone else. He lacks any formal military training but clearly after his time he doesn't need any. He's charged more trenches, heretics, Ork and Tau than some Imperial Guardsmen will do in a life time. Needless to say, it changed him quite a bit. [b]Recklessly Brave[/b] - Stemming from his time in the 225th, Aleph is... [i]reckless[/i] to say the least; combined with his cynical outlook on life and general empathetic attitude towards it, it leads him to do some pretty spectacular things and has an empathy of perceived "danger" on par with some Cachacan Jungle Fighters. Aleph is fearless with an iron resolve; many within the 225th state that Aleph would be the only man to ever run [i]towards[/i] Tyranids if ever given the chance. [b]Bravely Reckless[/b] - While he will never openly or direct rebel against an order, don't expect him to do it the commander's way; at best he'll follow the general idea and a few steps. As stated above, his has an incredible apathy to "danger"; Aleph has no problem using a Flamer in heavy winds or powerful explosives in close quarters. One of his favorite stories involve him and a group of penals having to stop a wave of explosive squigs by literally tackling them and do what can only be described as a very, very violent cuddling exercise to force them into submission them, all done without orders. While these actions caused a number of casualities, Aleph attributes this event and its following Squig BBQ to the reason why he has a certain taste for Squiggly Bits. [b]Resourceful[/b] - Almost all of Aleph's equipment has been taken from somewhere, be it looted, salvaged, stolen or "borrowed". Some in the 225th have called him "Orky" given how his entire appearance looks like something an Ork would come up with but yet have it still be functional. His armor has bits from Imperial, Tau, Orks, and even a bit of Squigs. [b]Do or Die[/b] - Hardened from his time in the 225th, Aleph is willing to do anything to accomplish his own ends; on occasion they line up exactly with the orders of his superiors. Killing friendlies is just an "acceptable loss", using their bodies as a shield from enemy fire is simply "being creative" and letting 100 in one place die so 200 can live is "just business". [u]Time with Inquisitor:[/u] Recently joined [u]History:[/u] Aleph was born on a Paradise World called Babel, famed for its space elevators and pleasure stations. What exactly happened to Aleph during his time on Babel is unknown but what is know is that at the age of 17, Aleph went on a murderous rampage in one of the pleasure stations for an unknown reason, even clashing with the local PDF until he was taken down by a veteran Guardsmen. For his hideous crimes, he was sent to a penal world but was soon raised to be part of the 225th Penal Legion. Almost for the next 30 years, he's done his time in the 225th and survived through skill or through luck. He made many a friends in his time, but none of them survived outside the dog tags that Aleph has meticulously collected over the year. The reason he decided to persue a way into the Inquisition is for two reasons: 1) While not overly zealous personally, Aleph believes that it the Emperor who will guide the souls of his fallen comrades to a better place and protect them as he believes they deserve a second chance in a new life. 2) He [b]hates[/b] the Imperial Guard with a passion after a platoon opened fired on the 225th without warning and for no reason, killing swathes of penal conscripts before acting all nice to the new batch of conscripts only to once again gun them down. [u]Appearance:[/u] Aleph's outfit gives something reminiscent of an Imperial Guardsmen but clearly its not. His left shoulder sports a Tau Fire Warrior's pauldron, spray painted yellow and now wearing a stencil air-brushed Imperial Eagle on it. His right is a bit more mundane with a standard Guardsmen pauldron albeit reinforced with some checker patterned metal curtsey of an Ork who didn't need it anymore; same could be said for his shin guards which are just crudely extended from bits of Ork metal and even metal stripped from Imperial armor. The standard issue flak armor has a layer of Squig leather to bolster it in a banded armor fashion. There's a rough "I" carved into the leather and bolded by blood which Aleph states as his own in reference to his new service to the Inquisition. In terms of head wear, Aleph either doesn't wear any or uses whatever can fit on his head meaning it can range from Guardsmen helmets to pots with additional metal plates for protection although he does seem to have acquired a Steel Legion gas mask which he usually has one him. One story he tells is how he actually ended up using the empty head of a Tyranid as a helmet but like most his stories, are just narcissistic rumors at best. On occasion, he will don the tattered red robe of a Skitarii he once knew, turned into a coat of plates through the use of the many dog tags of Aleph's fallen comrades. Behind the armor is a man with hollowed eyes and a hardened heart, Aleph has been through more fights, bloodbaths, one-sided slaughters and last stands to give even the toughest Guardsmen nightmares, yet Aleph himself rarely suffers from such manners. His body as a whole however, should his wounds as a myriad of scars, cuts, bruises and holes are all about his body, shared with several prison and wartime tattoos. The prisoner branding bar code is still on the back of his neck. Standing at about 6ft 1in with broad shoulders with long dark brown hair and a brooding aura, you can immediately tell that Aleph has seen some shit without ever really getting to know him. [u]40K Knowledge Question:[/u] -What are the origins of the Orks? The Old Ones who created them to fight their wars against the Necrons I think; turns out their soldiers lived longer than their masters. The Eldar were also of this category. [/hider]