[quote=@Viciousmarrow] As Lorenzo and his posse enter the dreary asylum, there is a sudden feeling that something isn't right. It's as if someone or something is watching them. The dhampir and his group only make it to the first [url=http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r73/MADMAX28DL/corridor.jpg]cell block[/url] before an arrow flies overhead. "Stay away from my territory." a female voice rings out, yet the woman is unseen in the darkness of the asylum. On both sides of the group, banging against the metal doors can be heard. The cries of the insane rise up, shouting at the vampires outside their cells. A young, lightly tanned woman, perhaps 16, saunters up to Lorenzo's gang before stopping at a safe distance. The raven haired lady wears torn clothing, as if she has seen many a battle. At her side, a curved scimitar waits to be drawn. She raises her bow, a glinting arrow poised to strike. "Leave! I know why you're here. These are my people though. I will not let you harm them." [/quote] Lorenzo was surprised when he saw the arrow fly past him, it was expertly shot that much was obvious. Lorenzo looked around as the insane ones started to bang against their cells and his posse was getting nervous even vampires could be scared by the insane humans ready to kill them at a moments notice. When the young woman warned them to leave he motioned his allies to stay calm and still. This woman has obviously seen battle with her bow and sword however Lorenzo was skilled in charming the fairer sex. She needed to understand that he had no intention of killing them and if he played his cards right he would be able to have them donate it instead so that his house would have their own steady supply of blood. That would put the house on the same scale as the ones who own the hospital. Lorenzo took a breath and started to slowly walk forward and dodge the arrow that would have pierced his heart and in a quick motion he got close to her before she could pull out her sword on him. [color=green] My lady please understand that we are not like most vampires. My house values mercy and compassion above others. we do not plan to hurt your people we simply wanted to make a deal of regular donations"[/color] Lorenzo said as he gently stroked some hair from her face seeing her blush slightly from Lorenzo's gaze and he hoped that Maria was taking notes on this in her head for future reference. [color=green]"we don't wish to kill anyone we only want to spare your people from dying with the more violent of our kind"[/color] Lorenzo said making a sigh when he said violent of their kind to emphasis his distaste for the others of his kind and let her know that he was on her side more so. [color=green]"If at all possible we would simply take one bag of blood from whoever wishes to give their blood and in exchange we will offer protection and even items to those who ask it. If you don trust vampires then simply trust me"[/color] Lorenzo said with a whisper gently kissing her neck as she fell to the ground her knees to weak to keep her standing. [color=red]"you promise not to hurt anyone?[/color] Lorenzo smiled knowing that he just struck a deal. [color=green]"all we ask are for donations we will not force anyone to give what they don't want to. If anyone dies here because of a vampire taking to much blood then I will personally make sure to kill the vampire who violates the agreement"[/color] Lorenzo said in agreement as he held out her hand and she sighed taking it to stand back up as she helped to calm everyone down and let them offer choose to offer their blood or not. Even if Lorenzo didn't get a large amount of blood in the long run it will still ensure a steady supply of it...