[@Cuccoruler] Alec found himself back in the human realm quite often during the month. His underworld being cleaned up and the statues replaced mysteriously. He often found himself going back to rhona though, to check on her...to see her breathe telling him that she is still alive and eventually will wake up. All seemed...peaceful. After everything he still did not find himself being remotely happy with this world or what happened to rhona. Even black coffee didn't taste the same. Then...chaos broke out. Humans attacking gods, one roped up as a warning. That really pissed him off. Egyptians were never even that cruel and they were quite an interesting people. He couldn't help it he found himself in his God form killing many humans in a berserk rage fit. Managing to dodge bullets through teleporting quickly a few inches. His death touch seemed to be on almost constantly in the human realm his eyes glowing eerily whenever he is there. He became responsible for many humans lives being lost. Something that hurt him terribly, he never killed any children or innocents though. Finding it easy to distinguish the two....not that many innocents were left. He stopped going to earth after awhile. Finding that his anger was not helping, that the humans were lead by a mad man and that is who he should be angry at. Not them. He still cared for the humans, still helps the souls that come to him even if they never had faith in him. Staying in the underworld or with rhona made him calm down. He would come up with something....even if the humans were insane right now. -------current---------- Alec finds himself teleporting to rhona'a side missing Leon by a few minutes. Somehow he has managed to avoid Leo for every time he has come here. This time he holds a small golden egg. He smiles and places it into one of her pockets to hide it from her brother. "Hey....I" he rubs his neck in his human form...finding he uses it here more then earth now. "I brought you a gift....its...,its a widget egg" he smiles somewhat. "It's a runt egg so the mother tried to eat it" he looks away. "Figure it could keep you safe...and keep you company" he looks up finding his emotions difficult to deal with. "I'm sorry" heavy sigh. "This is my fault....just...please wake up" his voice is pleading. "If you wake up...and I'm not here...just know I'll get here" sounds horribly awkward...like how he feels he silently gets on his knees beside her watching her for a few moments before standing shoving his hands into his pockets and teleporting back to his home, if the others need him then they can send for him. [@Ace of flames01]