This is why I ask such questions because even if it isn't applicable to my plans, I always get interesting insights into additional parts of the world haha. I figured people wouldn't call the "limiters of relevance" as such ICly, but would refer to each limiter as its given name instead. So, if I understand that properly, those limiters are basically the limits which a given player can reach at which point they should not seek to leave. If I misunderstand this, that's alright as I said it's only a possible interest as Ilitas is in her infancy (so to speak). Knowing that necromancy more or less just sharpens one's abilities with other magics is still useful knowledge even if it doesn't have any terribly specific uses aside from the aforementioned. As a note Shien, though I thank you nonetheless, when I said revitalize I more or less meant what you said in regards to the summoning of ghosts and the like. I just remembered it wrong I suppose haha. In regards to the Deo'iel, that is entirely fair. Also I more meant the fifth circle. However, given the rather absurd level that'd mean Ilitas had reached already I think it might make for a less interesting set of possible paths for character development. So yeah, I think I may do without the Deo'iel, though I am intrigued by them personally and would love to see more of how they function haha. Ilitas' necromanctic abilities will focus less on Resurrection for the purpose of creating mindless minions and more on gathering possibly lost knowledge from the dead before dismissing them once more. So far I am seeing her as an ambitious woman who, despite the rather shaky morals (from a human standpoint) of the True Deigan and the amount of agency allowed to her, decided that she'd be better off outside of any system, rather than part of one even so open as the one she grew up in. She is unlikely to be the sort who bows or acquiesces to the wishes of any higher authority. This may develop into an obsession with power later on, but I think the act of walking that line should be interesting as I usually either play characters who never reach that point (due to who they are as people), have already reached a balance on that line, or have crossed the line and almost forgotten it altogether. So actually walking the line and seeing where she ends up should be fun. OH One other question. Would using black magic at the same time as arcane render a spell null. Like if someone spoke a few arcane words and then some in the demon's tongue to say a spell would it just outright not work or would it cause weird mixed results? Is there any way to mix the two?