As Collin walked towards the direction Gem gestured, his gaze was locked onto the mechanical heart he had. For the past minute, Collin had been staring at heart. The rust went from just being around the edges of the heart, to covering the whole metal, to the metal crumbling in on itself. The heart itself was no longer recognizable. It looked as if there was just an old piece of scrap metal in his hand. [i]What the hell is this?[/i] Collin thought to himself. [i]First, phasing hand and then this rotting metal thing. And what was that gas that came out of my mouth? I go from not having any powers to having a whole assortment in 30 minutes...[/i] Collin's thoughts were interrupted by Gem's announcement. [color=fff200] "This is the room where we will learn life skills. Life skills is anything that you can use in everyday life to survive there are many things we will learn. I want you to pair up. Today you will be learning how to cook."[/color] Gem said. Collin's head slowly lifted up and he looked at Gem, bewildered at what he said. "Cooking? Are you serio- Ack!" Collin had walked himself into a wall and knocked himself on the floor. The now deteriorated piece of metal went flying out of his hand as he slide on his butt. At first, he was silent for a moment. The shock of the fall made Collin forget about his experience in the testing room, and in turn, snapped him out of his pessimistic thoughts. So instead, he laughed. He laughed at the absurdity of the situation. He found it funny how he could disable a robotic guard (rather gruesomely) one moment and then meet his match with a wall to the next. He found it funny how right after spewing some gas that looked rather poisonous he would be cooking. He was relaxed again. "Eheh, sorry about that guys," Collin said, brushing himself off and standing up. "I'm all good now. And ready for this whole cooking thing. I can make one mean omelet." He smiled, his eyes bright once more.