[center][color=lightsteelblue][h2] Setsuko[/h2][/color] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/14400f8e23a10eb23472300cc860fd6d/tumblr_o0ocefiutg1s5melyo1_400.png[/img] [color=lightsteelblue] The Kohonjenpou Warehouses - Fighting (Finally) The Hamajo Confederation [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhtEW56y46A]I'm not putting the title[/url] [@tex] - [@FallenTrinity] [/color] [/center] [hr] Because the VTOL dropped them off a mile from the warehouses Setsuko signaled for everyone to start running left from where they stood. Before she was able to give the signal however, she looked in the planned direction and was alarmed to see dark black plums bellowing from that direction. [color=lightsteelblue]"Shoot,"[/color] Setsuko said as she began to sprint in that direction. As she ran her thoughts would become jumbled as the smoke meant that the enemies were either causing simple havoc, or already attempting to open the vault. [color=lightsteelblue]"Change of plans."[/color] she glance back to the others who were easily keeping up with her despite suddenly running. It was a fairly weak plan that she had thought up through the mess of things that was going on in her head as they didn't have any time for the initial plan. It was an all or nothing situation at this point, and they might as well do what they can to keep the enemies from doing any more damage. Whether they got the weapons already, or not was something they would have to see once there, but if they did have them then improv was the best solution. As they reached the clearing Setsuko turned around to see that the warehouses were still in tact, but out of one of them smoke poured out of the windows up top. Setsuko stopped running to let the others continue making their way to the warehouse, and as she came to a halt she made the said hand seals: Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog. 2 shadow clones appeared beside her, and one would begin running with the rest of the group as the other stood back with her until it was told otherwise. She wasn't the smartest ninja, but figured because the enemy was focused on not only the mission, but as well as the confederates hauling ass to stop them they'd forget the simple qualities that distinguished shadow clones from the actual person. While the clone ran with the others Setsuko would jog right with the clone she had by her, and look for the usual door entrance to attempt to put her own plan into action. [color=lightsteelblue]"You're going to go in with me when we begin fighting, but first let me see..."[/color] As Setsuko, and the clone looked for an entrance the clone that went with the rest would briefly explain the general idea of the plan before everyone was to go solo. [color=lightsteelblue]"We're going to hit the enemy in one wave, and once we see what we have, you,"[/color] she'd pointed to Tetsuba. [color=lightsteelblue]"Mark someone, and lure them away."[/color] [color=lightsteelblue]"As for you,"[/color] she'd pull on Akamichi's shirt. [color=lightsteelblue]"You're the official tank. Keep the rest occupied. Masato,"[/color] she'd turn to the last, and final person. [color=lightsteelblue]"Stay back."[/color] With that, clone Setsuko ran toward the nearest window as she would shake her hand to relax it. She then slammed her fist on a window to break it as that was the signal for the enemy inside to freak out a bit. As if they'd freak out, but they'd at least know what was coming. She wasn't one for stealth anyway, so having the enemy know that she was coming was the best way to start a fight in her opinion. Because the window was broken she placed her hand on the window sill to jump in, and began to squeeze her way in between crates of wrapped boxes, and machinery. As she did that she turned to the window to see Masato making a few hand signs after he had also entered through the window. What came after was strange as there were birds that began flying around, but soon would fly in the direction of the enemy. She couldn't make out what Masato had said, but didn't think twice. Setsuko was surrounded by all of the boxes, so all she had to do was follow the birds as they would begin dropping their explosives in the general area of the enemy. It was confusing to say the least, but the birds helped the clone be able to make it out of the box mess. [i]Time for my grand entrance,[/i] the clone thought as she'd lay eyes, finally, upon the enemy. As all of this was going on Setsuko's Byakugan was still in tact, and by this time she was getting used to it. The only problem was her sight, but that could be easily fixed when moving closer to the warehouse to see if one of the doors was open. As she'd turn the knob the door opened with a dragging noise as the door wasn't made right when building the warehouse. She'd close it shut again, and with her byakugan would look through the walls to see what was going on. [i]Glad I took training seriously when I was little. [/i] [color=lightsteelblue]"Oh..."[/color] Inside there were few people, but simply looking at their pathways could tell Setsuko that this wasn't going to be easy. [color=lightsteelblue]"Well, Let's keep them from escaping the first few minutes in."[/color] She'd murmur to herself. [color=lightsteelblue]"8 Trigrams Grid Palm!"[/color] Setsuko would say after making the required hand seals, and then placing her hand on the ground in front of the door. The grid wasn't as long as she would usually have it, but it would be enough to cover most of the door floor. [color=lightsteelblue]"Crap."[/color] Setsuko spat. [color=lightsteelblue]"Stop messing up."[/color] she'd tell herself due to the fact that she put the trap in front of the door they were supposed to go in through. [color=lightsteelblue]"Well,"[/color] She'd walk backwards to see if there was another way in, and would see a broken window right before the corner was to turn into the door. [color=lightsteelblue]"We'll go in through there..."[/color]