[QUOTE=Shienvien](Also, why wouldn't deigan's feathers grow back when removed? Feathers on birds and such will grow back when ripped out just fine - in fact, if a bird's feathers get too damaged, it is occasionally advised to remove them prematurely just because it makes them properly grow back long before the bird would have naturally molted.)[/QUOTE] Eh, I probably expressed myself a bit strangely before. What I meant to say was that they remove the feathers [I]and[/I] make sure they don't grow back; the action of removing them is not what causes them not to grow back. [QUOTE=yoshua171] So, if I understand that properly, those limiters are basically the limits which a given player can reach at which point they should not seek to leave.[/QUOTE] Oh, not at all. The characters are entirely free to go beyond the limiters of relevance. What they limit is mostly just the information flow across them, and the formation of any significant relations between nations on different sides thereof. We already have several characters that have come from outside the limiters of relevance, and just as they were free to enter, everyone are also free to leave and explore the rest of the world. [QUOTE=yoshua171]In regards to the Deo'iel, that is entirely fair. Also I more meant the fifth circle. However, given the rather absurd level that'd mean Ilitas had reached already I think it might make for a less interesting set of possible paths for character development. So yeah, I think I may do without the Deo'iel, though I am intrigued by them personally and would love to see more of how they function haha.[/QUOTE] Actually there's a quite huge gap between fifth and sixth circle of the deo'iel. First and second circle are very close to one another, and advancing from one to the other basically just marks the transition from "newbie" to "low-ranking agent", the third circle is slightly higher than the second, meaning that one has acquired some experience in the field, fourth is even farther from the third, signifying that one is good enough to lead a team... What I'm getting at is that the "gap" between ranks in the deo'iel increases exponentially in size with each circle. Fifth is quite a bit above fourth circle, to the point where they are counted on to have sound judgment without the need to have a large number of individuals to seek counsel with, and sixth circle is far above fifth, just as seventh circle is - technically, but not practically - [I]way[/I] past the sixth circle. Each circle is drawn around the last one, after all, meaning that each new circle will have a larger circumference than the last one. Eh, but the characters are free to learn about anything they want to learn about, obviously, including the deo'iel, in whichever way they see fit. [QUOTE=yoshua171]One other question. Would using black magic at the same time as arcane render a spell null. Like if someone spoke a few arcane words and then some in the demon's tongue to say a spell would it just outright not work or would it cause weird mixed results? Is there any way to mix the two?[/QUOTE] I think I remember someone (not sure who) once asking what would happen if one mixed runes of the arcane language and Devil's Tongue and tried to make a mixed spell with those. The result of doing so is quite similar to the result of trying to cast a spell partway arcane and partway black; arcane and black magic are two sides of the same coin, eerily similar yet polar opposites. The metaphor I used with the runes was comparing them to matter and antimatter, and the comparison remains apt: each on their own they function normally, but trying to bring them together makes things turn ugly. I mean that spells experience "epic failure", to use a slightly humorous term, and tend to violently explode, unleashing all of the magical energy stored in the words upon the caster and its vicinity.