[quote=@Dinh AaronMk] With your Chrome extension I can only wonder how long those titles are now. [/quote] Here, I'll show you: Heavy Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump Sound of the Donald "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created" Trump Donald "When was the last time you saw a Chevrolet in Tokyo?" Trump of the Valley of the Wind First Squad: Moment of Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump Donald "Did you notice that baby was crying through half of the speech and I didn’t get angry?" Trump und Panzer Space Battleship Donald "Stay and we keep the oil" Trump Donald "I have a great relationship with the blacks" Trump of the Universe Banner of the Donald "I am the least racist person" Trump Donald "The U.S. has become a dumping ground" Trump Collection Donald "People are praying for me" Trump of Blue Steel (EDIT: It added a second quote for me on this post. I fucking love this thing)