[quote=@Hatman1801] [quote=@Blue Demon][b][color=0072bc]Magical Capabilities:[/color][/b] None [color=mediumaquamarine]Well he has arcane runes carved on him, and presumably some sort of ability to communicate, control, or summon demons, so he can't really lie about this unless he "knows" a really bad tattoo artist.[/color] [b][color=0072bc]Body Modifications:[/color][/b] None, unless you count the scars [b][color=0072bc]Weapons and Equipment:[/color][/b] Four tomes on Demonology, a chest full of arcane supplies for Demonology (Summoning, slaying, etc) Sword, twin pistols. His Demon Imp companion. [color=mediumaquamarine]Any specific kind of sword?[/color] [color=mediumaquamarine]So your character isn't a Diver? Because the IC kind of is going to be centered around Divers, outside of special cases and NPCs.[/color] [/quote] [color=mediumaquamarine]My notes.[/color] I think there needs to be just a bit of clarification here. [/quote] 1) According to Ebenezer the ability to summon/control Demons doesn't come from you. Anyone can do it. It comes from the ritual and the power of the world. So nope. I stand by my answer. No magical capabilities. 2) Nope. Typical sword. I can look up and see if there's a fancy name for one. But there's nothing fancy about it. 3) I was told he doesn't have to be. I asked tex. If you think that's wrong, take it up with him. I'm working on my reply to tex. It'll be up a bit later after I write it all out. (Of course I add so much work to myself. :( )