[quote=@tex]From the sound of it, Ebenezer is more concerned with studying (He is a scholar after all) than he is with profit, so he doesn't match the common Diver dynamic, despite the fact that he's left the border before. The occupation tab is more of a 'what does your character consider themselves as?' sort of deal.[/quote] Correct. He doesn't consider himself a Diver. [quote=@tex] [b][color=0072bc]Appearance:[/color][/b] Ebenezer is six foot tall. He has medium length brown hair and a beard-mustache combo that is neatly kept. He has dark green eyes, nearly black. He has fair skin from spending lots of time indoors. He typically dressed in a suit or work casual. He always wears long sleeves, gloves, and a scarf to cover as much skin as possible. Under the clothes are carved symbols in his skin. Most appear to be nonsense, but others are arcane symbols found in the uncharted places in the world. [color=ed1c24]I hope to see you expand upon these arcane symbols in the future. They must have some meaning, eventually, and I'm very curious to see what you come up with.[/color] [b][color=0072bc]Primary Focus:[/color][/b] Demonology [b][color=0072bc]Magical Capabilities:[/color][/b] None [color=ed1c24]Here's where I'm a little confused. Is Ebenezer actually capable of speaking with or summoning demons? If so, I would consider that to be magical to some degree, even if there isn't a way to explain it in-character just yet. It's fine if he's able to talk with/summon demons, but I'd like these abilities to be listed explicitly.[/color] [b][color=0072bc]Weapons and Equipment:[/color][/b] Four tomes on Demonology, a chest full of arcane supplies for Demonology (Summoning, slaying, etc) Sword, twin pistols. His Demon Imp companion. [color=ed1c24]Read last comment, I'd consider the demon imp to be magical in nature, more like a summon of sorts. Or is her permanently summoned to his side, and invisible to others?[/color] [hider=The Real Story?] [sub]- - - - (Power Matrix)[/sub] [b][color=0072bc]Primary Focus:[/color][/b] Never practiced. [b][color=0072bc]Magical Capabilities:[/color][/b] It's possible Lloyd has a innate ability to use either Ki or Arcane abilities. Or he just might be insane. It's hard to say because he knows some things he should know. For example, sometime he says he sent Imp to look at something, and knows what a (chart/book/something) might say, having never seen it. Other times he's just plain wrong. Sometimes he also can predict an event that will happen, but more often he's wrong. Just coincidence?[/hider] [color=ed1c24]Although Demonology certainly isn't explainable by current studies, I'd have to infer that it has some magical influence. The one thing I need more detail on is his imp companion, and his capabilities. Other than that, I love it.[/color][/quote] 1) I can expand on them. If you want I can add them to the CS as we go, or be a sad puppy and do it now. Haha. (I'm currently not in the mood for writing atm, but I can do it tomorrow.) 2) He is capable of speaking and summoning them. However, as I mentioned to Hat earlier. Demonology doesn't use any innate abilities. Unless you count memorizing symbols and rituals. If you want to know more about the rituals, I guess I can go into detail, per quote below [sub]V[/sub] 3) Imp is permanently summoned, until Ebenezer decided to send Imp back to where ever demons are from. (Void most likely) And Imp is invisible to everyone but Ebenezer. I wanted it to seem like he's crazy and imagining Imp. (Which he may or may not be) [quote=@tex]Summary: [color=ed1c24]I need more details on the imp, and his demonology expertise. That's all, though. I really [b]really[/b] like the character so far.[/color] Also, with your permission, I'd like to add a section for Demonology, vaguely describing the theory of the study in the initial post. You could do this yourself if you'd like, I just prefer to have it in there somewhere for documentation purposes. It's fine if you'd prefer I didn't, though. Lastly, although it's not necessary to use arcane/ki to describe your abilities, all magic, including practical demonology, would stem from one or the other in some way, since the three philosophies of energy are the building blocks of reality. [/quote] So I need to flesh out Demonology as a study, which includes information about demons (Imp by association), symbols and rituals and implements used in summoning and control. Did I miss anything?