I'm going to post the map of the compound here. Gisk, can you transfer it to the OP for easy reference? [img]http://www.gamebanshee.com/starwarskotor/locations/maps/korribansithacademy.jpg[/img] 10 is Saidor's room, 1-7 and just south of 3 are nooks with beds in them for the workers, 11 is an ancient interrogation chamber, which is converted into the non-combat droid repair and storage room, 12 is a training room that has remotes, training weapons, and battle droids to fight against, 8 is a central chamber for people to gather in, with a kitchen, tables, comms consoles, etc, here, and 13 will be for flight simulators once we get them, though now it's just another training area. 14 goes to the ruins and 9 goes to an old trade colony, though I haven't tried to rebuild it yet. Just south of 13 on the left side of the hall is a room that was carved out for the security office and brig. Across the hall is security droid storage.