[@Cuccoruler] After the battle with the old gods had ended. Landon returned to the Nexus. He stayed with Cia and Flemmings for a few days, but he was deeply bothered and didn't know what to do with it. He was angry at everything, but knew he had no reason to be angry. To much had happened to his world. He knew it wasn't actually his, but it was his homeworld, so it might as well have been his. At the same time everything was getting out of control. He was beginning to resent his own world. He wouldn't have minded just destroying all of it and starting over. The old gods created this world, the Merged could figure out how to start a new world too. One with more order and oversight. A world with more control. Landon was tired of not being able to do anything for the world. After a few days in the Nexus he went to his cold dark realm to explore more. The time to himself didn't help either. He sought to train more, but felt discouraged in his training as he felt it was pointless. He did practice manipulating his new arm. He could keep it stable for days at a time, and could even sleep with it on now. It was taking him no concentration at all anymore to keep his prosthetic. He could even manipulate it to take different shapes and sizes of tools and weapons. None of this helped his mental state though. He was still distraught and actively training was difficult for him. That's why just working on his arm with no thought was easy for him. He sort of just meandered in the darkness trying to forget his thoughts. One day, he was interupted by the humans who thought they could challenge the gods. They had found his realm. Unable to see anything they were rather clumsy, but with technology they could trace Landon. The tactical team was no match for him though. He quickly disposed of them all and threw their bodies back to earth. The human invaders were a nice distraction for a moment. He began to look to humans and earth as a type of distraction. Their pathetic individuality and sacrificial teamwork amused him. Mortals were rather fickle. He thought just a few years ago he was the same. He changed a lot since then. He noticed that the earth was in constant darkness now, and that some were crying out for light, even the moon at night. Landon saw this opportunity and took it. He left his cold dark realm to visit earth for a while. He went to Iceland and blended in with the humans. He lost his prosthetic in order to keep his cover. He just told anyone that asked about it, that he lost it in a hunting accident when he was attacked by a wolf. A few days after arriving on earth he met humans that asked for even the moon to provide light on the gloomy world. Landon brought the moon out that night and told them the truth about him. They didn't believe him at first, but when no moon came the next night, they begged him to bring it back again. The next night he brought it about again and the group praised him for the moon. Some were still doubtful, but the word spread and many began to worship him in this time of chaos and darkness. As word spread, the anti-god collaboration began to come as well. Landon protected his worshipers as they fought with him against Sven's militia, but soon his own were joining their ranks. Swayed by the anti-god agenda, his followers numbers were dwindling. A spy had even gotten close to Landon. Fotunately for Landon the spy was only able shoot him in his prosthetic, before he obliterated the spy. With this turn of events he decided to return to the Nexus. He was looking for information from Cia on the god's propositions to deal with the humans. Assuming they had made any yet. He stepped down into his shadow like he was on a staircase. He walked back up the staircase in the Nexus through a shadow that proceeded to be his as he completed the jump. He took note of the four gods that were there and gave disregard to all, but Cia. He walked over to her with a smile that had been missing for the last month. [b][color=0076a3]"Hey Cia. How are you doing? It's been a few days since I last saw you. I was wondering if you knew what was going on with this anti-god agenda and what the other god's have been saying about it?"[/color][/b]