Flor had helped himself to his feet after flying into the trolley. He didn't sctivate his sigil this time and bruised his back as he slammed it into the metal grating. Fortunately the other two were fine. The trolley began to creak and whine as it made it's way lower, that is until the operator got a little greedy and let to much of the brake out. The short fall stopped his heart for a moment. He was used to the fall himself, but his mind instantly went to the sight of everyone in the car crushed flat from a fall at that height. Fortunately they got the trolley back under control and stopped at a hopeful infirmary. [b]BAM[/b] The Grit had already made it up the wall and were attacking their trolley. Flor was more concerned with the one on top of the trolley that had peeled it open. He had his pipe, but he wasn't sure how to go about attacking the monster. He couldn't swing to wildly with the others so close, and a weak attack would just get him hurt. Fortunately the others acted quicker, blowing the thing back for a moment and blasting a powder bomb in the trolley. Flor rapidly followed the old man into the room a little more gracefully, until he saw the old man in the doorway and flung his momentum in another direction to avoid him. He may have been able to catch himself, but then a woman was in his way. He shifted himself just enough again to avoid her and fall flat on the floor. Regaining his control, he got up again. [b]"I'm fine! What are we doing now?" [/b]