Name of Creature: Aqua Dragon Your name to remember you by: Krinos Solstice Animal Type: Semi-amphibious Reptile Species: Dragon Magical Affinity: Water Habitat: Lakes are its primary habitat, but several have been found in deep enough rivers. Food: Meat, fish, and fruit. Lifespan: 7-20 years depending upon gender. How it bears its young: Eggs, which they lay at the bottom of the lake or river bed, usually laying 5-7 at a time. How long young stays with its mother: The young stay with their mother for three months. Notes: Aqua Dragons are a rare breed of dragon, and only those they feel they have a connection with may see them. Their first appearance was recorded by the Knight Family on an exploration mission, in which a youngling had made itself known to the individual, and thus followed them from then on. While their primary habitat is water, they are capable of moving over land, as they have the legs to do so. At the end of their tails, they have fins, which are clearly used for swimming. Don't be fooled by these gentle creatures, they are vicious when threatened, and are known to spray powerful jetstreams if need be. They are loyal to only one person, and as a result, the person is given a unique brand upon them. The brand varies from person to person, though it's usually in the form of a tattoo somewhere discreet. While Aqua Dragons are loyal, they are also the hardest to train, and students selecting this dragon are strongly advised not to make this choice lightly. There are two types of eggs, one is deep blue with red and white specks, which signify male dragons. The other is a black egg with blue and pink stripes that cross over each other, which signifies the females. While the males grow quickly, they also tend to have a lifespan of only seven years. However, these dragons are usually the most powerful by their third year of living. The females on the otherhand, take up to five years to mature, and another five before they reach their full growth. That said, females are typically alive for as long as twenty years. Adult dragons are typically no larger than half a house size, and about as tall as a tree. Younglings however, are usually no bigger than half the size of an average person. Younglings tend to associate with one another, often forming strong bonds through telepathy, the same way they do with their masters. It is recommended, and even encouraged, for students with the same dragons to group together for the development of these incredibly social creatures. While their diet consists of meat, fresh fish and fruit, there are some dragons who refuse to eat meat. These dragons, should you have one, should be encouraged to eat meat. Meat is the best source of vitamins and nutrients that they need to grow with, though there are alternatives to the meat if you cannot get them to eat it. Certain plants can provide the same vitamins and nutrients, so not all is lost if you just so happen to have a semi-herbivore Aqua Dragon. Young: [hider=Youngling][img][/img][/hider] Adult: [hider=Adult][img][/img][/hider] Suggested equipment: For the younglings, it is mandatory you have a special training collar and leash for them, for they are quite disobedient once they hatch. The collar and leash are magically imbued with two elements, for training purposes. Water is sprayed on them when they are obedient and listen to their owners' commands. Air is blown on them for a brief moment at an accelerated rate if they are disobedient and refuse to listen to their owners' commands. While the time of the blast is not enough to do any serious harm, it is enough to grab their attention and cause ice to form on their face, more specifically around the mouth and eyes. Once they are obedient, the reward of fresh water will always clear the ice away. For the adults, depending on size, it is possible to ride them. Females tend to be the typical choice for those seeking the extra challenge of training them to carry their owner. For this, you will need a specially designed saddle. Due to the unique shaping of each adult female, they have to all be custom fitted for their saddle. Males tend to be more like dogs, they prefer to stay by the side of their owners, mostly due to the fact they are smaller than their female counterparts. A matured and well trained male will not need it's leash and collar, though should one not have been trained correctly, it will be mandatory for the owner to keep it leashed until further notice. Especially when out in public. [hr] [b][u]Long Term Character[/u][/b] Name: Dar "Aqua" Knight Appearance: [url=]Dar[/url] Age: 30 Position: Teacher of Creatureology and Water Magic Rank of the Basic 4 (Fire, Water, Earth, Air/Wind): ((For future use)) 1) Water 2) Air 3) Earth 4) Fire Likes: Nature, peace, Aura, teaching, plants. Dislikes: Fighting, his family, fire. Personality: TBR Background: Dar comes from a long line of successful water users, each generation always receiving the nickname Aqua, a nickname they all carried proudly. His adeptness at the magic was beyond those of his former classmates, and upon graduating from the old academy, he was offered a position as an instructor in the new one. Dar happily took the job, wishing to impart his wisdom on the younger generations or water users. Though he was adept at water magic, he paired it up with creatureology studies, deciding the combination was a perfect fit given his family's access to numerous creatures. As he progressed in his studies through the old academy, he began to take interest in becoming one of the foremost experts in Creatureology, specifically involving the Aqua Dragons. Despite the positive life he has, he carries a dark secret from his past, something he keeps buried deep below the surface. Desired pet: Personal Aqua Dragon named Aura(5 years of age). Other: Dar keeps a photo of his previous Aqua Dragon, Titan, on his desk in the Creatureology classroom. Titan is Aura's father.