[hider=Mitchell Sodhi] [b]Real Name:[/b] Mitchell Sodhi (not public knowledge) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance[/b] [img]https://yt3.ggpht.com/--3pbx6r6NyU/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/nzhrI_QBkr8/s900-c-k-no/photo.jpg[/img] Mitch looks similar the boy in the image, but his skin is slightly darker, and he doesn’t have a tattoo. At 5’11”, Mitch is tall and lean. He has long brown hair tied back in a ponytail, forest green eyes, and a tanned, slightly dark complexion. Generally, Mitch prefers to wear casual, comfortable clothing like t-shirts and jeans. [b]Cape Name[/b]: Gateway [b]Affiliation:[/b] Good [b]Biography[/b] Mitchell Sodhi was born to an American mother and an Indian father in Chicago, Illinois. For the most part, he, his parents, and his younger sister lived a peaceful middle-class life, lacking nothing. He participated in bullying for a brief period during his early childhood, but his mother, whom he was especially close to, quickly corrected his behavior once she found out. She espoused pacifistic views, taught him that violence was almost never the solution, and encouraged him to help others. Mitch did a complete about-face and started doing community service at a local animal shelter. Later, he branched out and began volunteering at the local library and soup kitchen. When he was 15, he and his mother were caught in a fight between two groups of supervillains. They were trying to escape along with the other panicking civilians, and he tripped and broke his ankle. His mother stayed behind to support him; that was when one villain unleashed a devastating attack, causing the building they'd just fled from to collapse on top of them in a shower of steel and concrete. Mitch briefly blacked out, and when he came to, he was buried under the rubble, one leg broken beneath a piece of concrete and the rest of his body trapped in a tiny open space. The corpse of his mother lay on top of him, still dripping blood. Mitch screamed and screamed for help, but nobody came. After an indeterminable amount of time, he lost consciousness again, and when he awoke, he was in a hospital bed with his father and sister sitting by his bedside. They had found him injured and unconscious inside his own bedroom; he had probably made a portal beneath him and fallen through it to his room during his trigger event. The incident shook Mitchell to the core, but he was able to recover well with the help of therapy. A year after the incident, he felt that he was ready to start using his newfound powers for good, and he did so with the knowledge and consent of both family members. However, Mitch didn't want to fight crime - it bothered him that almost all parahumans use their powers for fighting even though some abilities would be better suited to industry or medicine. His first act as a cape was to go to a local hospital and offer to help them respond to 911 calls faster. He volunteers there several afternoons a week, using portals to transport paramedics to emergencies much faster than an ambulance could. Mitch has also been researching options for helping charities and doing for-profit contract work for major companies - so far, he's only been a cape for a few weeks, and he has a lot more that he wants to do. [b]Personality[/b] In everyday life, Mitch is quite relaxed and easygoing. His default expression is a small grin, and he doesn't become worried or upset easily. When confronted, Mitch will usually back down and run away instead of risking a fight. Mitch is fairly creative and intuitive; he likes to think of out-of-the-box solutions, and he plays the saxophone in his spare time. He's kind, soft-hearted, and idealistic to the point of foolish naivety. Mitch is trying to become living proof that parahumans don't need to fight in order to help people, but he doubts himself and wonders if he would do more good by becoming a Ward. Following his trigger event, he started having urges to create conflict with his power - he can't help but think of how easy it would be to open a portal under someone and drop them off a building, or something similarly destructive. He's ashamed of those thoughts and suppresses them as well as he can, but they will need a healthy outlet eventually. The trigger event has also caused him to become claustrophobic and deeply afraid of dark, enclosed spaces. [b]Residence:[/b] Condominium with his father and sister [b]Parental status:[/b] Living with his father | Mother is deceased. [b]Costume[/b] Mitch's costume was thrown together from the items that he had in his closet, indicating that, despite his powers, Mitch identifies as a regular person more than he does as a parahuman. He wears a practical, nondescript gray tracksuit and a white half-mask that covers the upper portion of his face. [hider=Tracksuit][img]http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/9WkAAOSwg3FUfYQM/$_35.JPG[/img][/hider] [hider=Mask][img]http://www.maskparty.co.uk/ekmps/shops/maskparty/images/mens-genuine-venetian-white-half-mask-1293-p[ekm]300x225[ekm].jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Power[/b] Mitch can create one pair of portals that connect two locations. Matter and energy pass through the portals just as they would pass through normal space, but the portals don’t extend parahumans’ power range to the other side. They can range from about 1 centimeter to 5 meters across in size. By default, they're oval-shaped, but Mitch can "stretch" them into different shapes. He can move the portals through the air after he's created them, both in relation to each other and to their surroundings, but they must be the same size as each other. His portals can't "cut" through anything; solid objects either go through the portal all the way, or don't go through at all. In accordance with the Manton effect, Mitch can't make portals appear inside a living organism. He's also limited to one pair of portals at a time; if he wants to connect another two locations, he has to dismiss the first pair, and there’s a brief delay before he can make new portals. [b]Power Range[/b] Mitch can generate portals within 20 meters of his current location. He can also make them at any location's he's been to before, but he has to have stood in that exact patch of space. For example, if he's only been in aisles 1 and 3 of a supermarket, he can't make a portal to aisle 2 unless he's currently within 20 meters of it. [b]Power Safeguards[/b] N/A [b]PRT Ranking[/b] Mover: 9 [b]Equipment:[/b] Pepper spray, pepper spray antidote wipes, a taser, a cell phone, a detailed map of Chicago [/hider]