[center][h1][color=a187be]Natasha Brinne[/color][/h1] [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/8b40492183a156356963228aa5690167/tumblr_msc5lenaPM1sggyx2o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] UCSF Medical Center Emergency Room [b]Interacting With:[/b] Patients, Nurses, Dr Joshi, The Delivery Man [/center][hr] Dr. Brinne, like most everyone in the ER of UCSF Medical Center was a bit taken back when all their phones went off at the same time and the TV suddenly changed to what looked like was an Emergency Message. All froze and nearly began to prep for another night of Code Black, that was until the announcement was made. Tas shook her head, the last thing she wanted to deal with was some idiot making a fuss. She had work to do, friends to be around and a life to try to piece together; not to mention work. So many seemed excited though and the ER was a buzz with speculation of who was doing this and why. Tas would just snap at them coldly and tell them to get back to work; usually voicing if they killed anyone due to their lack of paying attention she would personally ensure that they ended up in the morgue with the patient. People sucked it up and got back to work. It wasn't that Tas was a cold person, in fact, as some knew, she was the kindest heart around; but she kept that part of herself buried. You couldn't afford weakness when people depended on you to save their lives or hold their hands through the darkest moments of their lives. Hours passed after the announcement and a tall African American man in a black suit waltzed into the ER. He looked fine, there seemed to be no reason for him to be there; this perplexed the Triage Nurse as he came up to the counter. She moved the glass barrier, sliding it to the side and handed him the usual clipboard and papers to fill out. He pushed it back towards her and held up an intricately carved box with golden latches. The nurse froze, the last time anyone brought a package into the ER it was a bomb.. "I am looking for Dr. Natasha Brinne," the man said with a thick Creole accent. The nurse looked at him oddly. Nodding she held up a finger and went to grab the doctor. Tas had just finished up with a patient, the sound of latex snapping could be heard as she pulled the bloodied gloves off. "Dr. Brinne, someone is here to see you?" the nurse said quickly. Tas nodded, half expecting it to be Sam with her dinner. He usually popped in about this time of night and she was famished. [color=a187be]"Right, on my way,"[/color] she said as she signed off on a couple of forms and headed to the check in desk. She looked around a bit confused that she did not see Sam there. "Dr. Brinne? This is for you," the man said handing over the box. She took it hesitantly. The man gave her a nod and walked out of the ER, leaving her standing there. She looked the box over as she sat down in the nurses seat. Most around her backing up just in case. It was beautifully crafted. [color=a187be]"Oh what the hell, I've got nothing to lose,"[/color] she said as she pulled the gold pin from the latch and opened it. With everything going on in her life just then, a bomb might be a welcome change. No bomb was inside, the inside was far more impressive. Crimson velvet padded lining, on it rested a trifolded piece of thick paper that seemed to be stuffed full. Picking it up carefully she opened it, what was inside made her eyes widen. Tickets from San Francisco to Paris and a ticket to board the Orient Express. [color=gold][i]Congratulations! You are one of the lucky few that was picked to be the winner of this prestigious tour! You leave on March 14th from your city and will arrive in Paris on the 15th. There you will meet the rest of the winners at the Saint James Paris! You're accommodations are completely provided! Travel, fares, food, all are covered. On the 17th you will disembark from Paris on the legendary Orient Express for a tour of Europe and into the Carpathian Mountains! We cannot wait to see you, anything you need will be provided. A Black Status Card has provided for you to purchase anything you might need. I look forward to meeting you on the Orient Express. Sincerely, Your Provider[/i][/color] Tas read the letter, confused to who would do such a thing. She looked through the folder, images of the hotel and train were provided, the credit card was there, the tickets, plan changes, itinerary until boarding. "Are you going?" Dr. Joshi pipped in from behind her. [color=a187be]"Why not.... I may never get another chance,"[/color] Tas said as she laid everything carefully back into the box and closed it up tight. Resting her hand on the wooden top she wondered just what she was getting herself into, then again, at this point did it even matter? *[color=ed1c24][i]All will receive the same box, contents and letter. Up to you how it is delivered.[/i][/color]