[hider=Odelia the Wench][color=9932CC]Name:[/color] Odelia Adams [color=9932CC]Title:[/color] Wicked Wench of the West [color=9932CC]Gender:[/color] Female [color=9932CC]Age:[/color] 17 [color=9932CC]Height:[/color] 162.5 cm [color=9932CC]Weight:[/color] 54.4 kg [hider=Appearance][center][img]http://img08.deviantart.net/b22a/i/2014/152/b/a/bewitching_enthusiast_by_margaritataichou-d7kn60z.png[/img][/center][/hider] [color=9932CC]Personality:[/color] Odelia has a very straightforward, selfish type of personality. She never takes in consideration of those around her, but doesn't do so to harm or spite. She shows a small range of emotions; going all out with what she loves or has her attention, able to only dote on one object virtually forever until another takes its place. With this love, most subtle displeasures can be effectively ignored or muddled through, but is known to explode should it hit levels she doesn't know how to deal with. [color=9932CC]Short Bio:[/color] Odelia Adams is the third daughter of two upper class fools who've never worked a day in their lives; they both being the beneficiary of centuries worth of old money. Together, they live fun lives; doing as they please, but never spending a dime they don't have to. Only going to their rich neighbor's to party whenever there was any kind of social gathering. Eventually three baby girls popped out, only acting as a small speed bump in their socially active lifestyle until it was decided that Odelia was the last. However, their house is well below average by today's standards, and not once have they hired help to care for the property or the children. Instead, giving the girls mediocre home education and the ability to govern their own lives. Odelia and her three sisters spent a lot of time together as there weren't many other kids their age. But as time moved on and their passions grew, Odelia became more of the black sheep of the family; preferring to spend her time learning about the more intriguing ghost stories and otherwise considered oddities instead of what was shiny, new, or fun. She was often seen spending her time roaming through the nearest towns, exploring their more unkept areas gathering rumors and uncovering the truth, while going farther with every passing year until eventually leaving home for good and exploring the world. [color=9932CC]Powers:[/color] [center]| PsychoKinesis / Spontaneous Ignition |[/center] Odelia's powers at its core is a very unstable variant of psychokinesis, allowing her limited psychic control over nearby objects with the off chance that what ever she focuses on can spontaneously ignite it or the air nearby before she looses her grasp of the object. However, spikes within her powers can cause a significant, though untested, discharge of destructive psychic energy over an undefined range. [color=9932CC]Weapons:[/color] As a psychic, no weapons are actually carried, but she isn't afraid to pick up anything nearby should she feel the need to protect herself. [color=9932CC]Equipment:[/color] - Bottles and jugs of volatile liquids just waiting to be set aflame and explode. - An assortment of various packages of lollipops in various flavors. [color=9932CC]Other:[/color] - Multilingual, with moderate trouble in the more harsher German and Russian family of languages. - Loves things that are small. - Loves things that are adorable. - Loves things that taste sweet.[/hider]