Sayuri shrugs at Rosalia's reaction, [color=990000]"Don't worry about it. They're old,"[/color] she pauses, [color=990000]"Well most of them anyways. A few of these ones are only about 6 months old,"[/color] she raises her right hand before stepping into the now steaming shower. She smirks before responding to Rosalia's satement that she didn't have anything interesting, [color=990000]"Oh? To some people it might be a little bit more interesting than some scars. As for talking about them... The ones on my arms are fair game. I hide them to keep questions to a minimum," [/color] she pauses and sighs while starting to lather up, [color=990000]"As for the one on my back... Let's just leave it at I was young, well younger, and stupid,"[/color] she smiles and rubs Rosalia's head as she gets in, [color=990000]"Thanks. Maybe I'll tell you someday."[/color] [hr] Varg sighs noticing Lennox was done talking. He looks around seeing how Sayuri had easily the most luggage and mutters to himself scoffing, [color=666666]"What're all those bags for? She has like 4 suitcases. What'd she do? Bring her whole damned room. I bet she'll be sending two of those back. Fully packed."[/color] He lays down and is silent for several minutes before suddenly speaking, [color=666666]" What do you think she wants with our weapons? Maybe prove how superior hers are?"[/color]