[quote=@Amelian Draco] So do you think Ben Solo will bring back someone from the dead in the next movie, or will Kylo Ren bring someone back [/quote] Nah, that guy wont. You see, al sharpton brought boba fett back from the sarlak to take out mitt Romney. Now, around the same time, mr T and ice cube raided mustafar in modded el caminos. After the vault dweller killed the institute, the dweller rushed to tatooine for jabba the hutt. Now you may be thinking wtf is actually going on. Well, hayden Christiansen was using bad acting skills to overwhelm Darth Vader and corrupt him to start this evil plot. Its going to end in an all out brawl between the empire, alliance, republic and star trek entirely. Some have sighted Japanese anime generic fighting robots in the area, but so many bothan spies dies to get that info, a complete picture is hard to be certain.