Thanks everyone. I've ruled out Redactor. - Can't actually find anyone else that particularly likes it online. - They have a really hostile license which says you can't use it for open-source projects. - Everyone so far has experienced weird mobile behavior, the main platform I want the new editor to optimize for. :lol The Froala looks nice so far. Better documentation. I'll continue playing with it on the side. [hr] [quote=@Ellri] [@Mahz] Could you please remove that non-BBCode URL parser? its making it very hard to help people when they're not getting things to work. see here for how its consistently in the way: [url][/url] We tried to used [code]code tags[/code], but because the parser overrides BBCode, only half of what we tried to mark out actually was marked out. In essence, its more frequently in the way than it is helpful so long as it doesn't check for whether it would override BBCode. [/quote] I've added this issue to today's TODO. I'd like to find a simple solution before resorting to removing autolinking altogether. [hr] [h3][color=6ecff6]Some things on my TODO list for the day:[/color][/h3] 1. [Performance] I'm updating the avatar system to serve avatars from [code][/code] which will let me do various things that will make the avatars load faster for everyone and thus the whole site. 2. [Bug] Improving the autolinker so that it avoids autolinking URLs contained within CODE/NOPARSE/etc tags. 3. [Feature] Email verification system which will prepare the Guild for email notifications. 4. [Feature] Continuing work on my dice parser. Though I'm not sure I can make much progress on my dice parser without talking to people that actually want this feature.