[quote=@Ace of flames01] [@ArkmageddonCat] I was informed and I don't really care about who called me a troll on chat. That is their opinion of me and I can't force them to change their mind. I realize my tendency to miscommunicate and I try to fix it should a problem arise. Again. I am very sorry about that and I meant not to hurt anyone. [/quote] It would seem that the only person of significance who has been harmed by this issue is you. Boom was at first offended, I'd even say that he seemed straight outraged, but he seems to have calmed down now. He was angry, and complaining, and just carrying on in chat for a good while, which I don't think was called for even considering your miscommunication. I don't think he handled the situation all that well, honestly. This is the internet after all, and emotions have no place here. Just don't be too down on yourself, these sort of things happen, I've seen it - and even done it - before. You've got to keep in mind that the fault is not entirely yours, so don't you go acting like it is. Here, to try and cheer you up: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zda2FLFY0yg[/url] = EDIT: I appear to be a notoriously slow typist when it comes to these situations...