[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmNkMGU2Ni5VM1JsY214cGJtY2dSWEp5YjJ3Z1VtOWphR1Z6ZEdWeS4wAAAAAA,,/littlerickeynf.regular.png[/img] [img]http://55.media.tumblr.com/78c111a57a0a32f025307a53c8cabfb0/tumblr_inline_ntxigzzpvv1rqq37j_500.gif[/img][img]http://55.media.tumblr.com/c0f4605e50964956dbc84ca41be57b0c/tumblr_inline_ntxih4uRRi1rqq37j_500.gif[/img] [b]Time:[/b] 5:30am [b]Location:[/b] Backyard Sunrises [b]Interactions:[/b] Domi & Tristan[sup][@HushedWhispers][/sup]; Alex [sup][@Altered Tundra][/sup]; Lil[sup][@Wintergrey][/sup]; Slyvester[sup][@McHaggis][/sup]; Blair[sup][@Undine][/sup]; Hunter[sup][@Liriia][/sup][/center] [hr][hr] "The deal was, darling," [url=http://33.media.tumblr.com/15bc343743c019f63255ccabca9556af/tumblr_inline_minmgplqbv1qz4rgp.gif]Diana Rochester[/url], in all her glory in the rising sunlight, said with as much smugness and pomp as she could muster in her upturned expression, "that [i]when[/i] you lost, we would do yoga in the morning for three weeks straight. And you lost, like I said you would. Now up. Up, sweetheart. Sterling Errol Rochester, don't make me use my mom voice." [color=cd0e66]"You're gonna make me cry,"[/color] Sterling, still bundled in his pile of covers and pillows, buried himself ever further in his hidey hole, [color=cd0e66]"I'll cry and then you'll cry, like you always do, and where will we be thirty minutes from now?"[/color] "You'll be late for school." [color=cd0e66]"That's 6:00, [i]mother[/i]."[/color] "We both know you need at least an hour and a half to get ready," Diana retorted, fixing her glasses and adjusting her yoga pants. Her words had a modicum of truth, only a modicum that Sterling would admit to. Regardless, she was the parent he got his stubbornness from, so it was highly unlikely that she'd just up and leave. And if she did just up and leave, that didn't mean well. Sterling grumbled back, lacking coherent words, and shoved the fort of blankets and pillows off the bed to stare at his mother with half opened eyes. With the straightest face Diana could muster, she shoved a pair of clean sweatpants in her son's arms and marched out, "I should have shipped you to boarding school the minute you hit puberty; you smell like fish and a prison shower. [color=cd0e66]"Then you'd have no one to curb your gambling addiction,"[/color] Sterling called out, satisfied with the thump and subsequent stumbling and cursing that hit his door. The deal was, if Sterling didn't beat his drunken father at Texas Hold 'Em within a set time limit, he'd accompany his mother to what the doctor actually ordered: yoga. Nothing wrong with helping one's flexible, certainly, it was just slightly emasculating and it hurt his back. And his mother had a penchant for pointing out everything wrong he did when she thought the moment called for it. That moment, Sterling found out the moment he set foot by their pool and to limber up, entailed the entirety of the exercise. "Don't forget your leg muscles, Chester," Diana called from her mat, looking up at him from her 'downward dog pose'. She nearly rocked herself into the pool, which would have wiped that smirk clean off her face. Unfortunately, she had the mind to move her things away from the danger zone. Once he got into position beside her, following her pose with as much tact as Sterling could muster, Diana gave him a sidelong look. "Ready to start your last year?" [color=cd0e66]"Please, don't remind me,"[/color] Sterling mumbled, rising to his feet to stretch again. "But, Chester, you're gonna be [i]the king[/i]," Diana burst out in a fit of laughter, this time face planting into her mat. She sputtered and stood back up, "why couldn't you just be a nerd like I was?" Mountain pose came next, and to start Sterling took a deep breath, then gave his mother a look. He smirked and called out, [color=cd0e66]"Hey,"[/color] she turned and he chose that moment to smack his hand against her stomach, [color=cd0e66]"don't forget to [i]breathe[/i], mom."[/color] In a coughing fit, Diana tipped forward and sputtered, clutching her stomach with a wheeze. "You little shit. I'll take away your car. I'll do your make up for the next modelling gig you get; you'll look like a clown in front of the whole world," Sterling leaped into a sprint while she regained her breathing and practically screamed, "Sterling, I did not raise you to be an ass. I will not hesitate to kick it right out of you." He took that opportunity to leave Diana to her yoga, and grab himself what breakfast he could eat without spitting it out in laughter. [hr] [center][img]http://55.media.tumblr.com/722d8a9f549a933926db445dce8917a7/tumblr_inline_ntxin2UmBY1rqq37j_500.gif[/img] [b]Time:[/b] 7:30am [b]Location:[/b] BHHS Parking Lot[/center] [hr] After a thorough lecture from his mother and gathering the required things for class that day, Sterling took what moment he had to sift through his messages. The first brought a smile, bright and genuine. [quote=Lambvester][color=eb6e90]Your'e not on a model diet right becuase I made cake? No dairy in it[/color][/quote] Cake for breakfast sounded great. Second breakfast, he corrected himself. Looking down at his torso, Sterling took a moment to decide before coming to the conclusion that his personal trainer did [i]not[/i] need to know and neither did his 'dieting journal'. He still rolled his eyes at every mention of that thing, and so did his mother who had to get two because she 'accidentally' baked hers in a pie. Dad hadn't been too happy about that. [quote=Sterling][color=cd0e66]Did you type that with your nose, Slyvester? Haha, you're a sweetheart, making me an ENTIRE cake. Jk, but do you mind if I nab two? Momll kill me if she finds out i didn't grab her a piece. She loves your cooking <3 morethanyourownmotherbutdon'ttellherisaidthat[/color][/quote] A few came from guys he played football with, or otherwise, people he didn't much care for other than they did whatever they could to make him look good out on the field. No qualms with that, though, seeing as most of the guys were boneheads, anyway. If they couldn't spot a guy talking advantage of them, they didn't deserve what recognition they would have gotten without him. Pulling out, Sterling made for the quickest route to school and parked with minutes to spare, right beside Hunter's junk truck, to boot. Sterling was mostly positive they wouldn't mind making his particular car stand out, even if it didn't mean much to him. Making his way through, he spotted Dominique first, aiming to give her a wave and a wink before nabbing one of her muffins. He took a bite with a smile, [color=cd0e66]"Perfect as always, Domi."[/color] At the sight of Sylvester further off, Sterling immediately dropped the muffin into Lily's hands. [color=cd0e66]"For the starving, right?"[/color] he quipped, smiled and departed with a wave behind him and a pat to Alex's shoulder, [color=cd0e66]"Knock 'em dead, conquistador."[/color] Arriving to where the trio positioned by the door. He supposed, if anyone asked, the King was just... making his rounds. Though, really, he just preferred Sly's company possibly the most. [color=cd0e66]"Nice shorts, lamb,"[/color] Sterling grinned, immediately bypassing Hunter and Blair to get to the cake, [color=cd0e66]"you're gonna kill me one of these days, I swear. Huh, you got something to put an extra slice in?"[/color] He finally turned his notice on the other two, with as best a smile he could muster until his eyes fell to the little bracelets wrapped around their wrists. [color=cd0e66]"Aw, alright, okay,"[/color] he frowned picking a slice of cake for himself and stuffing a bite in his mouth. He pointed with his dirtied finger at Hunter's charm, [color=cd0e66]"friendship bracelets? Come on, you're killing me here. That's intensely middle scho—"[/color] he paused, finally spotting the extra Sly held and took a moment before nabbing it, [color=cd0e66]"Is this for me?"[/color] He didn't wait for a response before wiggling it on, [color=cd0e66]"hey, yeah. Oh, hey, there's a four leaf clover on it. I can never find 'em whenever I looked, thanks [b]Rosenberg[/b]."[/color] Sterling set his eyes on Blair and smiled widely as he flourished his wrist, [color=cd0e66]"How's it?"[/color]