[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Ox4GAZa.jpg?1[/img] [h2]Miles Hemlock | 31 | Male[/h2][/center] Miles is mostly unassuming in appearance, especially in the Ice Age where his small 5'6" frame is bundled up under layers. However, he's recognizable by his (usually foggy) glasses, cold blue eyes, and the premature grey streaks in his ever growing hair. [b]Equipment:[/b] Hat, scarf, gloves, another scarf, winter coat, and a bookbag. Inside the bookbag, a notebook and various pens and pencils he has found along the way. He used to have books, but those have been burned for warmth. [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*]Plants, but they're mostly dead. However, what little life they do find, he can identify as safe to eat, good for medicine, or not so good for anything. [*]Not opposed to cannibalism, not that he's said so. [*]Okay he doesn't really have skills. But you wanna [i]know[/i] something? Ask him.[/list] [b] Personality:[/b] While he's friendly, it usually doesn't take someone long to get a "bad vibe" from Miles. Although he's small and less than intimidating in physical appearance, his eyes are cold and his smile knowing. He doesn't really intend to be so off putting, but it does give some insight into the layers of his personality: he doesn't care much about others. His work, his well being, his intellect. These are things that are important to him. People? Not so much. However, since he is not an idiot, he understands that he cannot survive in this apocalypse alone, and he respects when others can do things he can't. Interacting with Miles is usually an awkward experience. Pre Ice Age, his human interaction was limited to school and work, which allowed him to keep his communication short and practiced if not intellectually stimulating. Now? This is all completely out of his league and he appears incompetent among the group; and he doesn't even have the Internet to escape to anymore. So while it isn't always apparent, Miles is easily anxious and stressed out. [b]Pre Ice Age:[/b] Miles was born into wealth as the only son of the Hemlocks, the family responsible for much of the technological advancements of the last 20 years before the Ice Age. And while this is great all, allowing him to be well equipped with the latest, greatest, and "buggiest" technology, he was never into it as much as his father was. Miles found gadgets that made life easier important, but when he went to college, it was for environmental sciences: he majored in environmental biology and minored in biochemistry. When he graduated, he ditched the family business to open a simple flower shop--The Tilted Tulpid--which doubled as a source of income and a place of research as he worked on furthering his schooling. Come August 2030--he's still doing research with a focus on botany. News that the next two years will be a mini ice age was irritating mostly. Plants can grow in artificial conditions, so Miles had begun arrangements to prepare his next few years of study 100% indoors. However, he had always been intuitive, and a feeling of dread encouraged him to follow this strange climate change closely--as closely as a graduate student could anyway. And when the snow threatened to fall too much to shovel or plow, he knew he had to ditch his work and home or freeze to death, trapped inside. [b]Now:[/b] He didn't do too hot outside. Miles didn't really even find the group; they found him. He was shaking in his boots, struggling to cook what he predicted to be his last meal, when his small...fire was spotted. Miles had never been excited to see people in his life. Ever. He offered what he could as far as he had--the books for potential fire and his knowledge on whatever organic food they could find. Maybe they took pity on him or figured there wasn't enough meat on his bones to eat him [i]yet[/i], but either way, he was accepted into the group.