[color=purple]"Ah, well that's an entirely different subject."[/color] The young female faunus said, cheeks reddening as she too stepped into the shower. [color=purple]"B-but I'm not one to pry. So just tell me over time."[/color] She said that, despite her curiosity about the scars. She wanted to ask, but she really wasn't sure where or how to begin. But even then, she was growing more and more flustered at the situation. Her ears twitched when Sayuri rubbed her head and she sighed. Part of her wanted to hug Sayuri because of everything she'd just learned. But the other part was freaking her out more and more. He face was practically crimson. The only thing that could embarrass her any more was if she'd actually had a nose bleed. Luckily she wasn't some perverted boy in an ecchi anime. She sighed trying to calm herself as she began to lather herself up as well. [color=purple]"You know... At first... I guess... I guess I thought you would be more intimidating. But I'm glad I could work up enough courage to walk up to you."[/color] Probably wasn't a good time for a touchy feely moment. Feelings were fine, but Rosalia was sure she might die if touching beyond the hair were to occur. [hr] Lennox grumbled and turned onto his back to respond to Varg. [color=blue]"So you really are a talker huh?"[/color] He asked calmly, referencing Varg's relative silence upon initial meetings since yesterday. Still he felt he might as well answer. [color=blue]"Maybe she's curious about the weapons of the teammates she'll be leading. It's not uncommon for a leader to want to know."[/color] He shook his head and then glanced in Varg's direction. He already wasn't liking him too much. Varg seemed like the type to want to cause trouble or get a rise out of people. But as of now Lennox could not really judge him. It was only the first night after all. Still, he was going to keep an eye on Varg. [color=blue][i]It's like the whole 'Don't Rock the Boat' thing went right over his head. Maybe he oughta learn to keep some thoughts to himself.[/i][/color] He thought calmly since he apparently wasn't going to be taking a quick nap before the girls came out.