[@Cuccoruler] Leon remained quiet throughout the entire thing as he watched the extermination of all humans with an indifferent look. Men. Women. Children. All were devowered by the monstrous golemns and none escaped their frenzy. Leon knew that Rhona was seeing all of this, even while her body was inanimate, and that seeing a race she cared for so dearly, be completely wiped out would only make her refuse to wake up. He knew that this would hurt her severely and that she may never wake up again because of this. While he did not show it; Leon was infuriated, yet depressed, on the inside. [color=ed1c24]"Since it seems ya have everything under control, I will be returnin' home ta check on [i]her[/i]."[/color] Leon replied finally in reference to Rhona. With that said, Leon disappeared.