[@Cuccoruler] Alec was helping a regular amount of souls when millions of traumatized ones overwhelmed him. His eyes widen as the souls scream at him causing him to end up on his knees. They were lashing out at him scared, furious of their deaths, the children spirit wailing in the dark area meant to help him judge hearts. With him being overwhelmed he stays in human form kneeling, head bowed. The human race that he had cared for was demolished and they were taking it out on him. While this wasn't all of them, it was enough to break him. He seemed to be accepting the back lash, the screaming, the wailing, all of it in silence. He seems like he has just given up, this race he cared for was gone and the traumatized souls were all that remained. He could be heard whispering in Egyptian versions of apologies and forgiveness. To the point where his whispering becomes a sort of soft chant that interweaves with the screaming, wailing, and sobbing.