[@Aisling][@Krinos Solstice] Allison was greeted by a dragon soon after entering the room. It seemed the dragon's name was Aura. "Well hello Aura." Of course, Blaze, Allison's firecat who was sitting in her arms at the time was unsure of Aura. Blaze being an old cat probably contributed to that. She looked over at Dar and noticed she recognized him as well, though she never really interacted with him."I remember seeing you around as well." While listening to Dar's suggestion, Allison looked at the list of classes to choose from. "I'm not opposed to that idea. I can probably teach some Air magic as well as some Plantology." Allison was going off of the fact that between the four basic elements, air happened to be the one she was best at. Followed by fire. She wouldn't mind plantology for the simple fact that she likes being outside. "And hopefully, we don't somehow lose the class this year." Allison had no idea what to think of that little bit of news from the headmistress at the current moment.