A lot of thoughts rushed through Landon's head as Cia gave her solution to the problem. Most had been thought about during the last month. Destroying the human race wasn't his favorite choice, but it was a solution he was oddly fine with. At least he didn't protest the action. Portals were opened to show the earth as it was destroyed, but Landon watched Cia as she began the process instead. Just because it was happening didn't mean he had to watch it. It even became hard to watch Cia as she began to cry. As her eyes even began to glow, he couldn't handle it anymore. It seemed like all that surrounded him was sadness and pain. He had done well for himself to segregate these emotions. He didn't like to be sad and ignoring it was a solution that worked for him. It also made him rather cold. He felt sorry for Cia as she pushed herself to do what was needed, but also didn't know how to help in her distress. Not knowing what to do with everything around him, he simply walked off into the Nexus and separated himself from everyone. He lied down in the field and closed his eyes, relaxing and trying to sleep until this whole thing passed. Sleep was a good retreat from the pains of the world. No thoughts or feelings could invade, except maybe dreams, but those didn't mean anything and he hardly remembered them anymore. He lied there in a light sleep until the commotion ended and the gods weren't crushed in watching the sad state of affairs occur. They would probably be sad for a long time, but at least then they could be cheered up. Now only pity could be shared and he had none to share, he could solve his own problems.