[@BlackPanther] Leon had returned home and appeared before Rhona. After a few moments he had noticed something in one of her pockets that wasn't there before. He reached into her pocket and pulled a small golden egg. Realizing who it was from, Leon sighed. [color=ed1c24]"Bloody hell... Well. Better go return it. There's no way we can care fer the beast here..."[/color] He murmered, glancing at Rhona once more. He then proceeded to the Egyptian Underworld. Upon arrival, Leon automatically noticed that the place had been over run by the souls of those who were eaten. [color=ed1c24]"oh fer cryin' out loud! Alec?! Alec! Alec where are ya?![/color] He yelled, his voice cutting through the ocean of voices as he pushed and shoved through the crowd, making his way over to Alec. Eventually he found Alec, curled up in a ball, murmuring something in Egyptian.[color=ed1c24]"Bloody hell..." He sighed, picking up Alec, cradling him in his arms. Leon carried Alec to his room and ploped him onto his bed. [color=ed1c24]"Well things have certainly got out of hand haven't they, lad?"[/color] He replied, taking out the widget egg. [color=ed1c24]"I believe you dropped this, yea?"[/color] He paused for a few minutes and stared back Alec then sighed and placed the egg on Alec's nightstand.