[quote=@Ellri] Now to delve semi-randomly into our good ol' list... What about GM/CoGM 0th post, [@Mahz]? How deep on the list is that? [/quote] I think the feature is pretty straightforward from a technical standpoint, but I need to figure out how the UI should actually look. For example, let's say you're on this page: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/88309-overtale/ooc?page=7 (page 7 of a roleplay's OOC) tab, and the roleplay has a 0th post for OOC and one for Chars. - Where do you see that info and how should it be displayed? - What's a better name for this system than "0th Post"? Ideally something that's more self-explanatory. :lol Design and UI work is the hardest part for me by far. I usually crush the technical/code part and then drain all my energy trying to express a feature in the template. :sun