[u]Province 6 [/u] Once again the darkness had been fought off with minimal losses. The dark forces they raised had been of considerable aid in fighting the darkness, the expendable troops being put to good use. Andion would hold for as long as needed, how long that would be however, was of some debate. Whispers spread of a need to fight back against the darkness, take back the lands they'd stolen. How else could they hope to drive back the darkness? [u]Province 15[/u] The darkness may have been held back here but below had not been so lucky. The meager garrison had been overwhelmed by monsters from the sea and air alike. Well over half their war magi had been sent to ensure the territory did not fall to the darkness, driving a chink into the defenses of Andinon. They had to hold. There was simply no other choice. [u]Tech[/u] Lesser Earth Magic: Turn 3 [hider=Troops] Recruit 1 Dirigible in all Provinces. Recruit 1 Ballista in Province 14 and 15 Recruit 1 heavy infantry in Province 6 and 13 Garrison of Province 14 -1 unit of War Magi -1 unit of Storm Shadows Garrison of Province 6 -18 War Magi -14 units of Harriers -15 units of Storm Shadows -20 units of Royal Guard -10 Ballista -6 Dirgibles Garrison of Province 15 -4 units of War Magi -10 units of Harriers -12 units of Storm Shadows -3 Units of Heavy Infantry -5 unit of Ballista Armies in province 13 -5 Units of Magi -1 Unit of War Magi Province 9 Invasion Force -30 units of War Magi -10 units of Harriers -5 units of Ballista -10 units of Dirigibles 75 Dirigibles from 25 -> 29 and transferred to Kingdom of Zakol's command [/hider]