[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/KO2Zbaw.jpg?2[/IMG] The Girl As Tough As Nails Name: "The name's Awai." Age: "I'm Fourteen years old... am I being interviewed or something?" Alliance: "Well I'm aligned with whatever does good. Oh you mean where I live? Konohagakure I guess..." Rank: "I'm a genin but I can still kick bad guy butt." Clan: "Well I'm not really sure if it's a clan since we're all scattered around the world or something like that but I'm Uzamaki. Well part Uzamaki..." Kekkai Genkai: "Well... I punch stuff." Traits: "Well as a Uzamaki I have a strong life force, a strong body, somewhat super strong, and most awesome of all a crapton of chakra!" Personality: "Man how am I suppose to answer this. Seriously who asks somebody what their personality is like! Well... um... some say I have a temper. Some bully who once stole my hat said I acted just like a boy! Which is exactly why I punched him right in the face! Okay... look I don't think I can use words to describe how radical I am, so how about you tell me what I'm like once we hang and stuff. Sounds good?" Background: "Well everybody has a origin, so here is mine. For starters I can't really say I know much about my life before I was born... wow that sounded really stupid. All I know is that there was some big war. As for my parents, well I never knew my dad. He died before I was born, and all I really know is that he wasn't a ninja. As for my mom, well let's just say our life together was cut short. All I know about my mother is from what my caretaker told me. My mother was a supporter of the resistance, but took a leave of absence once she found out she was pregnant. From what the letter said, she hated every minute of it, and was not looking forward to my arrival. In fact she hated children and even considered abortion. For some odd reason that wasn't by my caretaker she didn't and obviously as you should all know... I was born. According to my caretaker.. who I should really start calling Tawa, when my mother first laid eyes on me, all the resentment she had vanished and she was just stuck in awe and she loved me deeply. A few weeks later on the battlefield she died, and my mothers last words to Tawa was to take care of me, and that's what happened. Something you should all know, Tawa is a highly skilled ninja with a lot of resources and connections. She took care of me for years and trained me at a young age. She's a good person I guess... but she would usually hit me hard whenever I accidentally called her mother. When I was about seven or eight she sent me to a orphanage, but instructed them not to put me up for adoption and take good care of me. Obviously they objected, but immediately once she put forth a considerable amount of cash in. Concluding my story, years later when I was old enough she took me out of the orphanage and enrolled me into the academy, which I graduated and now I'm a genin. Does this mean I can kick some villain butt now?" Nature Release: "I don't have one, honestly who needs elemental techniques when I could just punch people into submission!" Combat Style: "Well I don't really have much options... so does running up to someone and punching them into smithereens count as a style? I guess it could be said I'm close at hand to hand combat, though I'm sure as I learn new techniques I'll integrate it into my style!" Jutsu List- E rank- Clone Technique Substitution Technique Transformation Technique D rank- Body Flicker Technique Temporary Paralysis Technique Projectile Clone Technique- By throwing a projectile such as a shuriken or kunai and then using the ninja academy clone technique the projectile duplicates into numerous amounts. However just like the clone technique, the duplicates are nothing more than holograms and cause no harm. This technique is used to confuse opponents as the real projectile is aimed at a vital spot. C rank- Ōkashō Weaponry: "As of now all I have is a backpack where I keep all my supplies in, but in the future I'm definitely getting some swords! How cool would that be!"