It really didn't take long for Sans to finish both his first and second plate of spaghetti, and as the heavy romance scenes progressed, he'd finally downed a third and set his play on the coffee table. While Papyrus' cooking definitely wasn't the best he'd ever had, just the fact that his younger brother made it full of love was what made it Sans' favorite dish. He would eat Paps' terrible food every single day, so long as it would make the taller skeleton happy. Though it seemed that Frisk was having trouble finishing her plate. Her focus seemed to be the movie, but she looked nervous, almost petrified. But who was she scared of? A quick glance to Papyrus tale him it wasnts Paps. No, Pappy was leaning forward in his seat, eyes wide, and a confused flush on his cheekbones. Later when Frisk was busy with some menial task, Paps would probably ask about whatever it was that seemed to be making him uneasy. And as pitiful as it was to others, Papyrus' innocence was one of his best qualities, at least in Sans' opinion, but that was all that mattered, right? Well... He supposed Frisk's mattered too. Pulling from his inner thoughts, Sans remembered the task at hand. Figuring out what was wrong with Frisk. She never seemed to relax like she used to, never snuggled down with him on the couch anymore. Granted he guessed it might have to do with her being more grown up now, but what about human development could change her this way? Were all humans like this? Did they all suddenly become hyper nervous when they reached maturity and start avoiding their best friends? Or maybe that was just it. What is Sans thought they were friends all this time, but.... What if he was making Frisk like this? If they weren't really as close as he thought, then he could see why she might feel so awkward around him these days. But what if he was wrong? How would he know? Was there a way to tell? Suddenly an idea popped into his head. It was a relatively easy test(Sans internally shuddered at the word), but would he like the results? Inhaling a quiet breath, Sans turned his head just in time to see her turning her gaze back to the screen. His soul shriveled a bit in his chest, but he kept his expression neutral. Gently, he placed a hand on her head and ruffled her hair like he'd done when she was much smaller. He slowly leaned into her ear, a look of concern marring his boney face,"Hey, you alright, Kiddo?" He didn't take his eyes off of her, searching every detail, every muscle twitch, and any slight change in her expression to show she didn't like him. As he waited, Sans felt a bead of sweat slide down his spine.