[hr][hr][CENTER][H3][SUP]E Z E K I E L T H O R E A U[/SUP][/H3][/CENTER][hr][hr] There were few things in life that brought Ezekiel Thoreau as much please as the sensation of a few hundred horse power between his legs. Of course he would have preferred it to be a Triumph over a Harley any day but like beggars, thieves couldn't be picky. Going around the city had seemed like the obvious choice if he wanted to make it to the rally in time, however Zeke had forgot to take into consideration just how little he knew about the area and how much he enjoyed riding a good bike. Passing the same exit for the third time that afternoon, Zeke shook his head as he gun the throttle into a hard turn. The tail end of the bike slid around as though it was part of him as he brought it to a stop. Looking up towards the sky, Zeke studied it intensely as he tried to find something to navigate with. Nighttime was obviously easier and while he had glimpses of the sun, the storm clouds were doing a pretty good job hiding it. The smell of the ocean had been getting stronger so he must have been heading South. [I]Or is it East?[/I] Zeke pulled the helmet off his head as he massaged his temple briefly. It was at times like this he wished he did carry one of those 'smartphones' but Zeke hadn't owned an electronic device longer than a day before he shorted it out or wiped it clean with a magnetic pulse. Plus when you live on the run, a cellphone just seemed like an unnecessary expense, especially when you had no one to call or text. While he would have preferred to be left alone to his thoughts, it seemed fate had other plans as a large truck suddenly raced out of the city followed by an older model muscle car. Another vehicle came after that, and another. Guns were hanging out windows as people screamed and hollowed, obviously riled up by something or someone. Then it hit Zeke. [i]The rally.[/i] [i][b]The convoy![/b][/i] These people were essentially a twenty first century lynch mob. They had traded in their pitchforks and torches for tazers and .45's. Revving the powerful bike, Zeke forced his way into the stampede of vehicles as he weaved in and out of the erratic drivers thanking the military training he had received at P.R.C.U for each questionable maneuver. People cheered him on as he did, it was a bizarre sensation knowing that they simply assumed he like them was in a hurry to kill people whose lives they deemed to be irrelevant. Lives that were equal to their own in every way except they possessed a very different set of talents, talents that he himself possessed and would be killed on the spot for. But P.R.C.U. didn't raise Zeke to be a coward, they didn't teach him to control his powers simply to hide. He was able to defend himself and this wasn't vigilantism this time, no this was being a decent human being and standing up for others. This was standing up against murder. A bolt of plasma erupted from his hand as he struck the back axel of a truck in front of him. The metal superheated as the tires suddenly went up in flame. The smell of burning and melting rubber encompassing the area as the rims began to grind into the rough road. Sparks flew every direction as the driver began to lose control of the vehicle, the back-end fishtailing all over the road before it suddenly rolled and bounced. Gunning the bike's throttle again, Zeke drove under the flying vehicle as he created a magnetic repulsion to carry the vehicle into the ditch. His victory was short lived as searing pain suddenly burned through his arm. A bullet grazing his shoulder as one of the vehicles behind him opened fire. "[B]KILL THE FUCKIN' HYPE![/B]" A voice screamed viciously over the roar of the numerous vehicles as Zeke dipped the bike between another set of vehicles. Seeing him appear there, the drivers nodded at each other as they moved to crush Zeke between them. Passengers raising their pacifers and firing. Two sets of tazer prongs dug into Zeke's skin as the triggers were pulled. Feeling the electric pulse enter his body and provide a quick recharge he couldn't help but smirk. The Fairchild idiot had scammed this crowd, his 'Hyperhuman Pacifier' was no more than a glorified tazer. [color=00aeef]"Thanks for the boost folks."[/color] Zeke said with a mook salute as he repelled himself from the bike and landed on the roof of the vehicle to his right. His stolen motorcycle cried out in protest as the engine was snuffed out and it fell to the ground, vehicle after vehicle swerving out of the way of the fallen bike until a large truck simply trampled it. Losing control as the motorcycle became lodged underneath its front axle, the truck went sliding off the road before hitting the ditch and rolling. Zeke smiled slightly before jumping from the roof of the van beneath him and magnetizing himself to the next vehicle. Bullets flew from underneath him as the deluded riots began to fire from within their own vehicle in an effort to kill him. Coming around the bend, Zeke jumped to another vehicle as the convoy came into sight. People were scrambling for their vehicles as the rioters began to hoot and hollow once again. People were practically jumping out of moving vehicles as bullets and tazers began to fly. Innocent Hyperhumans were immediately killed, dropping to the ground pumped full of lead as the frenzied people continued to taze their dead bodies. Zeke wanted to be sick, he wanted to cry but something inside him prevented that as he pushed off from his current perch. Electricity encompassed his body as he launched forward like Zeus' thunderbolt. Dropping the first rioter he saw, Zeke deliver his own fist as a tazer dropping the man into a series of convulsing seizures. Covering a nearby group of Hyperhumans with a magnetic field, Zeke nodded to them to run as he decided to be their first line of defense. "Appreciate the backup Thoreau." A familiar voice called as Zeke turned to see Tarvos providing cover fire to another group of fleeing Hyperhumans. [color=00aeef]"Always happy to help Sir."[/color] Zeke replied with a nod as he pushed himself to expand the field.