[center][@cuccoruler][@Ace of flames01][@rechonq][@Slendy][@OtomostheCrazy][/center] The earthen shrine chamber, so deep beneath the surface as to make the sun a distant dream, became suddenly bathed in light. It poured from gaping holes in the musty air, leaking in through the shredded fabric of reality. Within this luminosity, strange shapes could be dimly spied, amorphous and in lethargic motion. Only one figure could be definitively spotted as it trundled ever closer with its branchlike fingers extended, but even after its twisted mockery of a human leg breached the rift no being present could identify it. One or two, spurred on by the pandemic madness of the end times, might recall a similarly grotesque shape flitting in and out of memory, a glowing outline never willfully subjected to further examination. When this shambling thing set foot in the earthen chamber, however, none could shake a certain dread—the dread of an audience with a superior entity. Aforgomon stood before them, and cracked open its mangled shark jaw. Within its gullet a miasma of darkness whirled and span, its shadowy contortions uniquely reminiscent of the god of nightmares, whom no god had seen for a month or more. [i]Infants. Always were you blind, yet never have you stumbled so. In your infinite ignorance, do you misunderstand the notion of godhood? Only small fractions of humanity rise against you, but you judge every human guilty, and shed bitter tears of hypocrisy.[/i] Any god who did not expressly oppose the apocalypse knew that they were accused. [i] They are more worthy than you—you infants who presume divinity. What have you ever accomplished? And with a sob and a flick of the wrist, you immolate an entire history. Such naivety is not Great.[/i] Aforgomon raised its hands, spindly fingers dancing. Black phantasms circled its body. From the myriad tears of light, more shapes could be seen advancing. [i]A clean slate is necessary, after all. But it is yours. Come, you infant gods. Witness Greatness.[/i] From the tears of light, the old gods emerged. Poseidon, Artemis, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Athena, Ah Muzen Cab, Cabrakan, Xing Tian, Guan Yu, and several more. Having been banished to world of the Great One’s choosing, they appeared changed. Neither puppeted nor enraged, they seemed simply grim, and emanated murderous intent. They surrounded the Merged like ruinous sentinels, and above them Aforgomon towered as it strode toward Cia. The shambler’s ungainly walk turned into a maniacal run, its body became swathed in paralyzing nightmares, and it reached out for Cia to pull her to pieces. At the same time, rifts of light suffused the Nexus, and the home of Leon and Rhona. From those tears, too, marched Aforgomon and an entourage of the elder gods. Serqet, Bast, Ptah, Thoth, Sehkmet, Freya, Tyr, Ullr, Sol, and Heimdal stood by its side. Evidently, during the past month, the dimensional shamble had not only consumed Thalios and taken his power, but prowled the entire array of dimensions for the souls of the fallen gods and alternate versions of itself. This version looked oddly amphibious, with mottled brown hide immune to physical attack and a gaping froglike mouth from which another face leered. Most of the Egyptian gods attacked Reese at once, lambasting him with deadly poison, monstrous cats, and accursed books. Ptah, a creator god, willed meteors into existence to rain down on the so-called destruction god. The majority of the Norse gods, meanwhile, attacked Yuki. Sol burned with the heat of the sun against her, not only threatening the dancer with waves of consuming fire but also empowering the arrows of Ullr and the great blades of Heimdal and Tyr. Freya and Sehkmet, meanwhile, as the war goddesses of their respective pantheons, combined their incredible power to take down Landon. Living, hateful blood whirled around him like a maelstrom, and blasts of light rained from above. With their respective runic sword and bloody hatchet, the goddesses converged on him. Meanwhile, the amphibious Aforgomon walked toward the house of Leon. [i]Your violation will not be hidden. It stands like a city on a hill.[/i] From between the planes great tentacles reached out and encircled the home, swaddling it completely with the intent of crushing its seal and all that lay beneath with their weight.